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湖北大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(6) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.[听力原文]8-10M: May I help you W: Yes,Next Monday is his birthday.M: What price will you be interested in W: Well, about filly dollars, I think. Do you have anything suitable M: How about a book W: I’ m afraid he doesn’ t like reading.M: Well, would he enjoy a basketball W: No, I bought him that last year.M: Well, what do you think of this wallet W: That suits him, I think. Where did the conversation probably take place () A.At a birthday party. B.At a store. C.At a bank. D.At bookstore. 参考答案:B 地点场景题。第一句话May I help you 是商店或银行等常用的服务用语,再根据第二句话I’d like to get a gift我想买个礼物,可知对话应该是发生在商店里,即答案[B]At a store.。 2.[听力原文]6-7M: Our flight has been delayed for two hours.My parents are waiting for me at London Airport.W: Where do you come from M: Beijing I was at a two weeks’ conference there on Space Technology.W: How interesting! I was there with a tour.M: Really Which places did you visit W: Apart from Beijing, we went to Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi’ an, Hangzhou and Guangzhou.M: Did you enjoy it W: Very much. Was this your first trip to China M: Oh, no. I go almost every year. What did the man do in China () A.He made a travel. B.He attended a conference. C.He gave a speech. D.He visited his parents. 参考答案:B 行为活动题。对话中男士明确回答女士是到北京开了两个星期的会,因此只要听到这句就不会选错,另外也可利用排除法将其它选项排除。 3.[听力原文]8-10M: May I help you W: Yes,Next Monday is his birthday.M: What price will you be interested in W: Well, about filly dollars, I think. Do you have anything suitable M: How about a book W: I’ m afraid he doesn’ t like reading.M: Well, would he enjoy a basketball W: No, I bought him that last year.M: Well, what do you think of this wallet W: That suits him, I think. Why didn’t the woman get a book for her friend () A.Because he doesn’t like it. B.Because he has many books. C.Because he bought him that last year. D.Because she didn’t find a good one. 参考答案:A 事实状况题。在听音前就要抓住题干中的关键词book,然后在听音时有意识地注意该词出现的地方,确定答案



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