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福建大学英语考试模拟卷 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.What will the man most probably do A.Call his friend. B.Go to the office to get his test. C.Send the woman a letter. D.Take the test later. 参考答案:A [解题思路] 本题是推理题。需要先把握大意。然后做出推理。 [详细解答] 一般来讲,此类题目,几个选项都具有很强的迷惑性,一定要正确理解。关键词可以给出提示。由于but the privacy act won't permit it ”“but that's the law”,他只好说“I'll tell Terry”,由此可以看出A为正确答案。 2.Why can't the woman give Terry Young's test to the man A.Because it is against the law. B.Because the man is not a member of Terry's family. C.Because the woman cannot find the test. D.Because Terry was too sick to take the test. 参考答案:A [解题思路] 本题考查的是细节。 [详细解答] 先看题支,再有针对性的认真听。依据“but the privacy act won't permit it ”“but that's the law”可以做出选择。 3.What do the speakers mainly discuss A A sick friend. B. A math class. C. School policy. D. The man's test. A.A math class. B.School policy. C.The man's test. D.What do the speakers mainly discuss E.A F.A sick friend. 参考答案:C [听力原文]1-4 M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please. W: Sure. Whoso class are you in M: Dr. Purcell's math class. W: And your name M: My last name is Raleigh. R -A -L-E -I -G-H, W: That's fight. Jim Raleigh. Here it is. M: Thank you. And Terry Young's test too, please. W: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't let you take someone else's test. M: He's sick, and he can't come in to get it. He's my roommate. W: I understand. But the privacy act won't permit it. M: Really Maybe you could tell him. W: Not even then. I can only give a test to the student whose name appears on it. I can't even give it to a family member. M: That's weird. W: I think so, too, frankly, but that's the law. M: Okay. I'll tell Terry, thanks anyway. W: You're welcome. Tell him I'll just keep his test here until he feels better and can come in for it himself. M: Okay. I'll do that. W: Have a nice day, Jim. M: You too, Mrs. Kelly. [解题思路] 本题考查的是会话的主题。 [详细解答] 一定要把握关键词,几个选项都有迷惑性,但是A B和 D只是在文中出现,只有C是正确答案,依据“Privacy


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