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关于除夕的英文作文 1 Get up this morning, our family is happy New Year to each other.I finished the accumulation, I went out to play to play.One out of the door, I saw thousands of sunshine like a sword, Pierce the atmosphere, shine on the earth, I think maybe because today is New Years day, the sky grandpa make the weather is sunny today.Look at the sky, blue, bright and clean, like a transparent mirror thick, white clouds, the clouds like cotton, like waves, hung on the day side, compose the day over there, the sky is decorated picturesque.Look ahead, both sides stood door lifelike stone lions, a big mouth, staring at two pair of big eyes, power and grandeur, like two soldiers on guard, they are one male, one female, male feet standing on a ball, like to play there, female foot stepped on a small lion, like to look after their children there.Evening, mother asked me to take a bath, I cant help but ask: why the Chinese New Year will take a shower?Mother said: New Years day to wash them clean, can have a good year, next year there will be a good one million.Finished washing bath, I looked out of the window, multicolored fireworks straight up into the sky, blossom in mid air, like a peacock, such as split again.A moment is in red, like peach apricot flowers rained, for a while, and all over the sky, golden like the harvest rice is scattered all over the sky. Finished watching the fireworks, I fell asleep. 今天早上一起床,我们一家人就相互拜年。我做完了积累,就出去玩了玩。一出门,我看见千万缕阳光像宝剑一样刺穿大气层,照耀着大地,我想可能是因为今天过年,天空爷爷使今天的天气格外晴朗。看看天空,湛蓝湛蓝的,像透明的镜子那样明净,厚厚的白云,一团团的如棉花,一阵阵的如波涛,挂在天这边,缀在天那边,把天空装饰得如画一般。往前看,大门两旁立着一对栩栩如生的石狮子,张着大嘴,瞪着一双铜铃般的大眼睛,威武雄壮,像是两位站岗的士兵,它们一公一母,公的脚下踩着一个球,好像在那里玩耍,母的脚下踩着一只小狮子,像是在那里照看自己的孩子。晚上,妈妈要我洗澡,我不禁地问:“为什么过年就一定要洗澡呢?”妈妈说:“过年要把身上洗得干干净净,就能过个好年,明年就会有一个好兆头。”我洗完了澡,一下窗外,一朵朵烟花直蹿云霄,在半空中绽放,好似孔雀开屏,又如天女散花。一会儿是满目红艳艳,犹如桃花杏花纷纷落,一会儿又是漫天金灿灿,犹如丰收的稻谷撒满天。 看完了烟花,我就进入了梦乡。 2 Today is New Years Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red fi


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