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英语童话故事带翻译短篇有趣的 One day, at a farmhouse, a hunting dog saw a fox catching a fat hen. The fox held the hen in its jaws and ran off into the jungle. The hunting dog chased the fox who could not run fast enough because of the hen held between his jaws. 有一天,狐狸在农舍偷肥母鸡时被猎狗发现了。狐狸叼起那只鸡拼命地往森林里逃。狐狸因为叼着母鸡,跑不快,猎狗在后面紧追不舍。 When the fox passed by a badger outside his cave, the fox put down the dead hen and said,“Brother Badger, I have stolen this hen from a farm. Would you please hide it in your cave first, and we can enjoy our dinner later together?” 这时,正巧碰到一只獾在洞口附近徘徊,狐狸放下那只死鸡,说道:“獾老弟,我从农舍偷了一只肥母鸡,你先叼回洞里去吧,晚上咱们一同分享好吗?” The badger happily carried the big fat hen into his cave while the fox quickly ran off. 獾兴高采烈地把它叼进洞穴里去了。狐狸飞快地逃走了。 The hunting dog reached the cave and stopped when he saw some blood stains at the entrance. 猎狗追到这个洞时便停了下来,因为它看见洞穴处有鸡的血迹。 The badger shouted from inside the cave,“Dear Hunting Dog, the chicken was stolen by the fox. I am not the one responsible!” 獾在洞里吓得大叫:“猎狗大叔,鸡是狐狸偷的,不关我事!” The hunting dog replied,“The fox was a thief but you are a greedy badger!”The hunting dog immediately went inside the cave and killed the badger. 猎狗呵斥道:“狐狸是盗贼,而你是贪便宜的同谋!”猎狗立即跑进洞里咬死了獾。 Long ago, only the cats had the ability to trace their prey by its odour, while the other animals used their vision to discover their prey. 上古时期,只有猫有根据气味来追寻猎物的本领,而别的动物只能靠眼睛去发现猎物。 The dog knew that was the best way to hunt a prey so he decided to visit the cat. 狗知道这是一种极好的狩猎方法。于是,狗决定去找猫。 “Mr. Cat, can you teach me the skill to trace the prey by its odour? It is very efficient and convenient.” “猫先生,根据气味来追寻猎物这种方法既灵验又方便,你能传授我这门本领吗?” The cat agreed to teach the dog and to let him stay in his house during the lessons. After a few days, the dog thought that he could use the skill and he wanted to go home. 猫答应了狗的请求,并让狗在学习时间住在自己的家里。过了几天,狗认为自己已经掌握了这门本领,便想回家。 “You have not learnt the skill yet,”said the cat.“You have


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