如何克服公众演讲的焦虑范文 .docxVIP

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如何克服公众演讲的焦虑范文   【如何克服公众演讲的焦虑】   1.Do Not Stay Hidden Before You Speak   不要躲藏   Unless you are Bono, Oprah, or the President, you have no reason to hide before you speak and every reason to mingle, letting people know that you are interesting and personable BEORE you take the stage. Aim to connect with individuals and build a following before you address your audience as a whole.   除非你是Bono ,Oprah 或者是总统,在社交场合你都没理由在你说话之前就藏起来,抓住机会站到台上让人们都知道你是个有趣的人。在你把一大群人变成你的听众之前,应当多与人交流。   2. Do Not Slowly Stroll Onto the Stage   不要再舞台上闲晃   Unless you are really, REALLY famous, no one is getting a thrill out of viewing your entry. So, just get there. Fast. As humble as you may actually be, even appearing to take your time to get on stage can come off as self-important. And, if the applause after you’ve been introduced has dwindled or completely stopped before you get to center stage, you (and your entire audience) can practically taste the awkward in the room.   如果你不是特别的有名,没人愿意看你在舞台上自我陶醉。因此,请快些的走到舞台上。尽可能的谦虚,甚至是用时间来表现出来。要是在你做完自我介绍后掌声就开始小了,甚至当你走到舞台中心就没有了,那么你(和你的听众)就是在互相看不惯。   3. Do Not Start with Thank you very much. It’s such a pleasure to be here.   不要以“非常感谢,站在这里是我的荣幸”开始   This was an entirely acceptable way to begin public speaking the first ten million times it was done. We are now past that mark and opening with this line is akin to saying: Thank you for hearing me say something that you are now not listening to at all. Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Twitter or Instagram accounts within the first 10 seconds of your speech.   这类说法完全是被人说过千万遍的开场白。现在我们不必再用这些话,说点像:“感谢你在这里听我说些你可能不是很赞同的话。”用这些话来做开场白,就是让你的听众在你开始讲话的10秒内就上网的最好方式。   4. Do Not Say, Good morning! …Wait for a Response, and Then Say, Oh, Come On, You Can Do Better Than That!   不要说,“早上好,”然后在等着她们给些回应后,再说,“哦,加油,你可以做得更好!”   You are not your audience’s mom. You are not at summer camp. (And if you are, your audience better be under the age of 12 for this line to work.) This phrase was



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