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A dwarfs’ house Work in pairs S1:What did we make ? S2: We made a house. S1: What did we need for that? S2: We needed some paper, glue, tape, ropes, a brush and a pair of scissors. Listen and answer 1 What is Suzy going to do? 2 What does Suzy need for that ? More words for your conversation 1 hammer (锤子) 2 nail (钉子) 3 screwdriver (螺丝刀)4 spanner (扳子) 5 pliers (钳子)6 rolling pin(擀面杖) 7 plasticene(橡皮泥) 8 mud (泥点点) 9 wheat flour(面粉) 10 wool(毛线) 11 knitting needles(毛衣针) 12 electric wire(电线)13 foam plastic pieces(泡沫片) 14 battery(电池) 15 rubber band(皮筋) 16 iron wire(铁丝) 学习目标2:学会用英语就DIY 的话题展开对话. Boys and girls, it’s your turn to talk about some DIY work that you would like to do. You have three minutes. You can use Millie and Suzy’s conversation as a model. (两人一组,自编对话。) Work in pairs 1 What’s DIY? 2 What are you going to do? 3 What do you need for that ? Enjoy Eiddie and Hobo’s DIY story 1 What’s Hobo going to do? 2 What should Hobo do first? 3 Had Hobo better get some tools then ? (然后Hobo最好去取一些工具吗?) Say about your DIYstory ……………, I ‘m going to make /repair/decorate…………….. I need……….. It looks / tastes/sounds beautiful/nice/great. I like my DIY. It is fun/interesting. 学习目标3 情感目标:树立热爱DIY ,发展创新思维,享受环保低碳生活的意识。 Boys and girls: DIY is from nature to nature. We should love it. Because it can make us clever and happy, help us develop our imagination and relax our stress. DIY helps us enjoy low-carbon and green life . Homework: 1 Remember the words and phrases. 2 Recite the dialogue. 3 Finish the exercises on the workbook. * DIY Do it yourself Unit 4 brush(刷子;画笔) glue(胶水) rope(绳索) tape(胶带) scissors(剪刀(复)) 学习目标1:学会下列工具的名称 DIY stands for “do-it yourself’ stand for 代表,象征 You make biscuits yourself instead of paying someone to do it.(你自己做饼干,而不是付钱给某人做)。 Instead of 而不是;代替,后接动词ing. pay someone to do it (付钱给某人去做某事) She is going to make some paper roses. She needs some paper, glue and a pair of scissors. You ’d b


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