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英文介绍信范文汇编多篇 英文介绍信范文汇编七篇 在现在的社会生活中,我们可以使用介绍信的机会越来越多,介绍信是联结双方关系的一个桥梁,其目的旨在证明来人的身份,以便防止假冒。如何写一份恰当的.介绍信呢?以下是小编为大家收集的英文介绍信7篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文介绍信 篇1 Dalian Software University No. 600, Hongqi West Road Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Mobile phone: ***** E-mail: Sept. 11, 20xx Zhang San General Manager Beijing Xin Hua Commerce and Trade Co. Htd. No. 60, Binjiang Road, Xicheng District, Beijing Dear Mr. Zhang San Learning from Mr. Wang Lin that you are looking for a sales, I would like to apply for the position I am 22 years of age .I have been studying in Dalian Software for 3 years with a scholarship for each year. My position as a vice –president of the Student Union helped me to develop my leadership and communicate skill, I have the ability to work with others and the capacity to adjust to new environment.I have some work experience in this field. I would great appreciate it if you could be kind enough to arrange an interview for me. Yours truly, Liu hongyan 英文介绍信 篇2 DONGAO KUAIJI Letter of Identification TO WHOM IT MAY ***** This is to certify that Lei Li was working with the above mentioned company from 20xx to 20xx. Even though she was majoring in Economics but she was working with us as a Lab Technician. Together with her studies Ms Li was doing part time job, as the intern in our company and from 20xx to January, 20xx she was a full time worker in the company. With her stay for this many days with the company she has learnt a lot and gained good knowledge in this field. During her stay in the company she was assigned the duties such as: ? Preparing resources for testing and mixing chemicals for processing ? Liaise with the team to ensure tests and project is compliance with company policy and program. ? Recording and maintaining reports for the director. During her stay with us Ms Li has proved to be a good team player, was punctual and a good work


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