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英语作文中国的春节 The color of the street is also much more colorful than usual. See every, all kinds of business signs and unfurled a banner. Store the door hang red lanterns, each glance at let a person heart warm. Blue sky, the hidden colorful balloons in the sun is gorgeous and dazzing. A breeze through, the size of balloon wind dance, as if to greet passers-by nodded again. Mall happy frolic scene through bright glass doors and Windows, into the eyes of passers-by, make the person involuntarily with the color of people, into one of them. The Spring Festival is the festival of adult, it is the childrens festival, childrens toys, books, stationery counter is unusually busy, the children to the wave and wave, and collect the beloved toys, leaving laughter. The home of the Spring Festival also different on weekdays, to stick on the door f word, have a meal to set off firecrackers and fireworks tonight to, also look at the Spring Festival party. Meals are also much more than usual, mom and dad, uncle aunt, grandma and grandpa together. The food on the table also fengshun fuxing more than ever, serve fish or fowl, delicacies. Eat good food, everybody together chat say ground, chat, drink tea, to talk to. Spring Festival has just arrived, I was about a few friend to the park to a special skill of gun battle. I pick a few pieces of the whole ten, humming a ditty came to a store and bought a variety of ammunition. I looked at the patches of glowing slightly purple bougainvillea swept all seem to wish me; The roadside hits the grotesque tree seems to be waved to me and say hello. When I went to the park, my best friends have been waiting for, upon them I saw all sorts of new weapon, the third great world war began. Know who is to me to put a rockets, just at that moment, the rockets like an angry dragon came running towards me, I am going to the left a flash, saw the accident with her teeth! Put a panda, I only heard peng, my panda play Fried impartial,


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