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领取更多托福备考资料,请添加雷哥托福小助手号:lgwsat 1600 口语真题及范文 2021 年1 月9 日独立口语考题 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should learn from the popular celebrities. 范文 I don’t think we must learn from the popular celebrities. Although they’re widely celebrated, their popularity is related to complicated reasons rather than simply admiring personality traits. Those “stars” in the show business, for example, draw their fame from a combination of factors, including marketing strategies and fan boys/girls who constantly tout their idols in the mass media. But when it comes to the celebrities themselves, there isn’t necessarily much we can learn. Moreover, I think our role models should be someone we deeply admire. It doesn’t matter whether they’re popular or not, as long as we feel related to them and are drawn to their personality or experience, we could learn fromthem. 2021 年1 月10 日独立口语考题 2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only secondary school students with good grades should admitted to university. 范文 Generally speaking, I don’t think college education should only be accessible to students with high grades in the secondary school; instead, other factors concerning school performance should also be taken into consideration. For example, students with outstanding organizational skills and leadership may not be very good at passing exams, but with further education and training, they could tap into their potentials and shoot for the stars. Yet if we deprive them of the chance to go to college simply due to a lack of several points in their GPA, their skills can be wasted. Besides, even though people with relatively lower grades may have a hard time following the courses along in the university, I believe that they’ll work hard to catch up once they feel the pressure. 2


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