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在职攻读硕士联考考试考前冲刺卷(8) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.The first few months of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone, because I knew it meant another critical decision to be made.() A.faultfinding B.accurate C.major D.crucial 参考答案:D critical关键的;faultfinding吹毛求疵的;accurate准确的;major主要的;crucial决定性的,关键的。 2.It's no use just telling me to do it; give me positive advice as to how to do it.() A.absolute B.helpful C.convinced D.detailed 参考答案:B positive肯定的,建设性的;absolute绝对的;helpful有益的;convinced信服的; detailed细节的。 3.A child hears his mother tongue spoken from morning till night in its genuine form.() A.good B.correct C.real D.perfect 参考答案:C genuine真实的,真正的;real真正的;perfect完美的;correct正确的。 4.They are confronting tremendous and more complicated problems.() A.discussing B.solving C.undertaking D.facing 参考答案:D confront面对;undertake承担;face面对。该句意为“他们正面临着可怕而且更加复杂的问题”。 5.The professor may give extra attention outside of class to a student in need of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it comes to evaluating school work.() A.commenting B.assigning C.commanding D.checking 参考答案:A evaluate评估,评价;comment评论;assign布置;command命令;check核查。 6.A person who is constantly worried about the loss of ______ job is not likely to do very good work. A.his B.their C.one's D.one 参考答案:A a person其后对应的物主代词为his。一般one对应的物主代词为one's(英国英语)或his(美国英语),故C项错误。their前的名词或代词应是复数名词或they,故B项错误。 7.It has been proved that cockroaches (蝉螂) ______ for several weeks even after their heads have been cut off. A.are surviving B.can survive C.surviving D.that survive 参考答案:B 该句话的意思是,“已经证实,蟑螂甚至在头被砍掉以后,仍能活几个星期”。根据句意,表示能够存活的只有B项。另外,该题题干的主语从句中缺少谓语,故可排除C,D选项。 8.Many of the human problems associated with living in the ocean are ______ the problems of living in outer space. A.just as B.such as C.such that D.the same as 参考答案:D the same as意为“和……一样”;just as意为“正如……”;such as意为“例如,诸如……之类”;such... that意为“如此……以至于”,such后应接名词。 9.Only when he had done it ______ tha


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