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HALCON三维空间定位方法 段德山 产品总监 H b 中国大恒 (集团)有限公司 m G e r a w t 北京图像视觉技术分公司 f o S c e T V M 2 1 0 2 - 3 0 0 2 © Typical Applications Pick-and-Place Micro electronics Alignment Print inspection Robotics HALCON offers matching tools for any requirement Which matching method suits your application? Perspective 3D surface 3D contours deformations 3D Start Local deformations Rigid transformation Components Color (Aniso-)Scaling H b m G e r a w t f o S c e T V M 2 1 0 2 - 3 Descriptor-based Matching 0 0 2 © HALCON supports descriptor-based matching Choose between calibrated and uncalibrated matching Uncalibrated returns perspective map Calibrated returns pose The 3D pose of the model might differ from the reference pose ReferencePose Image plane Model ROI with model origin Offset Model pose World plane defined by reference pose find_calib_descriptor_model returns a pose Pose xc xm zc yc ym


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