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高璐華 IBM 市場行銷處總監 中華民國91年11月30日 台灣IBM公司 行銷管理與策略 個人簡歷 學歷 (1987-1992) 康乃爾大學工業工程學士 康乃爾大學工業工程碩士 經歷 (1992- 2002) Andersen Consulting, Staff IBM 政府事業群業務專員 IBM 政府事業群業務經理 IBM 公眾事業群業務協理 IBM 大中華總經理特助 IBM 市場行銷處總監 What is Marketing? The Best Marketing Company?? Text-book Definition of Marketing - Philip Kotler Marketing is to discover unmet needs and to prepare satisfying solutions Marketing is to deliver customer satisfaction profitability Marketing is defined as the science and art of finding, keeping, and growing profitable customers The art of marketing is largely the art of brand building Mission of IBM Marketing IBM Marketing Blueprint Market Intelligence (MI) Marketing Management (MM) Distribution Channels Management (DCM) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Marketing Operation (MO) Marketing Planning Process IBM Taiwan Marketing Operations Q A Agenda Mission of IBM Marketing Understand the marketplace link it to strategy planning Lead the development of quality marketing plans integration Make integrated marketing communications work Common message architecture Eliminate conflicting messages duplicated efforts Optimize marketing investment among various tactics business units Mission of IBM Marketing IBM Marketing Blueprint Market Intelligence (MI) Marketing Management (MM) Distribution Channels Management (DCM) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Marketing Operation (MO) Marketing Planning Process IBM Taiwan Marketing Operations Q A Agenda M M Creates a plan for making a compelling offer to customers IMC Finds a tactic which gets interest while protecting IBM brand M I Tells us what customers want to buy how DCM Ensures customers can purchase IBM offerings where how they want MO Ensures Marketing Unit operates effectively efficiently M M Creates a plan for making a compelling offer to customers IMC Finds a tactic which gets interest while protecting IBM brand M I Tells us what customers want to buy how DCM Ensures customer


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