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Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】 e英语教程的翻译题答案 Unit1 他实现了自己成为一名歌手的愿望 His wish to become a singer has come true 这趟火车可能要晚点了 This train is likely to be late 我的建议是演讲的时候要充满信心 My advice is to make a speech with confidence Unit2 她因为没有立刻回答而向我表示歉意 She apologized to me for not answering immediately 如果那个男孩不逗那条狗,就不会被咬 If the boy had left the dog alone,he wouldn’t have been bitten 他一直在这个小镇上过着宁静的生活 He has been leading a peaceful life in this small town Unit3 我们有必要权衡工作和家庭生活两者的需求 There is a need for us to balance the demands of the work with those of family life 有了因特网,全世界的信息都可以为你所用 With the Internet you can tap into all information of the world 我想借这个机会,对你们的帮助表示感谢 I’d like to draw upon this opportunity to express my thinks for your help Unit4 工厂散发出难闻的气味 The factory gives off a terrible smell 经费的减少使这个研究项目延迟了好几年 The spending cuts set back the project for several years 研究表明女性的寿命要比男性长 The study indicates that women live longer than men Unit5 我目前承担不了更多的工作 I can’t take on more work 这笔钱可以使他们实现自己的梦想 The money enabled them to live out their dreams 我们的公司准备购买更多的生产性设备 Our company is going to buy more productive equipment Unit6 在舞蹈方面,我们谁也 比不上她 None of us can equal her in dancing 她说她对公司的未来很乐观 She said that she was optimistic about the future of the company 我送他一份礼物,但是我不需要任何回报 I give him a gift , but I expected nothing in return


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