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介绍暑假生活的英语作文简单 Throughout the summer I had a wonderful time and I learned three things: embroidering the cross, swimming, and I also enjoyed writing a composition under my mothers supervision. Me with my English classmates also attend to jiujiang Wu Lingyan drifting activities organized by the English school, we play all wet, fortunately I brought clothes, I changed clothes, dry quickly, dont have any clothes with classmates can be bad, wet, feel terrible. We were very tired that day, and I was too tired to sleep on the bus. When I returned to nanchang, I told my mother what I had played in wulingyan, and she laughed. I really think my summer vacation is very happy. 整个暑假里我过的很愉快,并且我学会了3件事:绣十字绣、游泳、而且我在妈妈的监督下还喜欢上了写作文。 我还跟我英语班的同学参加英语学校组织的去九江武陵岩漂流活动,我们玩的全身都湿了,辛好我带了衣服,我换了衣服,干的很快,没带衣服的同学可糟糕透了,身上湿淋淋的,难受极了。我们那天玩的很累,而我累得在车上还睡了一觉。回到南昌后我把我在武陵岩玩的经过告诉了妈妈,她听了后也哈哈大笑了一番。 我真的觉得我的暑假过的很快乐。 This year the most happy thing is a happy summer vacation, my mother and I went to Qingdao for vacation, there can be fun, we went to the playground, I saw a roller coaster, is clamoring for them to do, because my mother to this line of dizziness, so dont go, I have to hard for mother, mother didnt let me and my brother to do it, then, my mother and brother to play bumper car, we touch to touch, in the car can be interesting. We ate again at noon, crabs, prawns, fish, chicken, ribs... This summer is my happiest day. I wish I could spend the summer. 今年最快乐的事是快乐的暑假,假期里我和妈妈去了青岛,那里可好玩了,我们去了游乐场,我看到有过山车,就嚷嚷着要去做,因为妈妈对这行头晕所以不去,我只好使劲求妈妈,妈妈才让我和弟弟去做,接下来,我和妈妈弟弟又去玩碰碰车,我们在车上碰来碰去,可有意思了。我们中午又吃了,螃蟹、大虾、鱼、鸡肉、排骨……今年的暑假是我最快乐的一天,真希望每年都能过这样的暑假。 Today I finally have a summer vacation! I decided to go to Hong Kong Disneyland first. I came to Disney, it was so crowded, so I had to squeeze in because it was so crowded. I went first to fly over the space mountain, and this game was so exciting that I wanted to do it a few more times! But there were too many people


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