Module 4 Unit 1 示范公开课教学PPT课件(外研版八年级上册).pptxVIP

Module 4 Unit 1 示范公开课教学PPT课件(外研版八年级上册).pptx

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Module 4 Planes, ships and trains;Can you list some ways of transportation?;underground;—How do you usually go to school?;Match the words in the box with the pictures.;Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures. You need to use one word more than once.;Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures. You need to use one word more than once.; Listen and finish the tasks.;2. Answer the following questions. (1) Who was late for school today? Betty. (2) Why does Lingling walk to school? Because her home is closest to school. (3) Why does Tony take the underground? Because he lives the farthest from school. ;;1. But nobody was late, except me. 但是,除了我之外没有人迟到。 except 意为“只有……除外;除去……”,后跟名词或 代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except后的部分 不包括在整体之内,常和 all, everything, no one, nothing 等词一起使用。 e.g. All of them went out for a walk except John.;2. Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 或许我应该打车去上学。 by和表示交通工具的名词(名词前没有任何冠词)连用, 意思是“乘,坐”。例如:travel by train/car/ship 意为“乘 火车/汽车/轮船出行”。 【拓展】“take+限定词+交通工具”和“on/in +冠词+交通工具”都表示乘坐交通工具,对交通方式提问用how。 e.g. She takes the bus to go to work. =She goes to work on a bus. ;3. It’s the most comfortable way, but it’s also the most expensive. 那是最舒服的方式,但也是最贵的。 the most comfortable 意为“最舒服的”,是形容词comfortable 的最高级形式。 当比较三个或三个以上的事物时,可以用形容词或副词的最高 级形式来表达,规则的变化形式有两种,一种是在词尾加-est, 另一种是在单词前面加most。 e.g. Her home is the closest to school. ;4. He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground. 他住得离学校最远,因此他坐地铁。 far可作形容词,意为“远的;遥远的”;也可作副词,意为“远;遥 远”。far from 意为“远离”。 e.g. The supermarket isn’t far from the bank. 5. You can ride your bilk to school, but remember to be careful all the time. 你可以骑自行车去上学,但是记住要时刻小心。 remember常用两种结构,注意区分:remember doing sth. 意为“记得做 过某事”;remember to do sth. 意为“记住要做某事”。 e.g. Remember to invite Tom to your birthday party. ;1. The _______________ way to go to sc


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