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河南科技大学本科毕业设计(论文) 河南科技大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* ROMAN PAGE \* ROMAN II 公交车自动报站系统设计 摘 要 我国城镇化发展非常迅速,城市规模快速膨胀,城市人口和机动车数量急剧增长。近年来由此而带来的城市交通拥堵问题非常严峻。城市建立完善的公交系统是解决城市交通拥堵的最廉价的方案,被国家大力扶持。国务院也颁布了优先发展公交系统的相关文件,公交车在城市交通中占据着越来越大的主体作用。 本设计旨在实现公交运行时报站的智能化,为乘客提供高效、便捷的服务。本设计要求系统能够自动语音播报到站信息,并能够显示到站信息。本 设计利用 GPS (全球定位系统) ,以 89C51 单片机为核心和基础。 利用 GPS 获取比较精确的公交车位置信息;利用 AT89C51 单片机智能整合处理信息, 发送控制指令;利用 ISD1700 系列语音芯片实现语音播报, JHD162A LCD 液晶模块来显示到站信息,从而实现所有的功能。对设计结果利用 proteus 进行仿真和验证,可以达到预期的公交车全自动报站的功能,实现公交车到 站提醒,即显示屏显示到站信息,语音系统自动播报站名。全程无需人工干预,实现全自动智能报站,安全可靠。本设计所采用的模块、元件廉价,系统可以长期稳定稳定,适合推广。 关键词 :自动报站, GPS, 89C51 , JHD162 The bus stops system automatically ABSTRACT The urbanization in our country is developing very quickly. The city ’ s expansion is very quickly, the urban population increase sharply, The number of cars on the road is growing so fast. For the past few years, the city ’tsraffic congestion problem is very serious. City establish a perfect public transportation system is the cheapest solutions to urban traffic congestion. It is national energetical support. The state council issued the state council on priority to the development of urban public transportation guidance on December 29, 2012. The bus in the citys traffic occupies a more and more important role. This design aims to realize intelligent broadcasting station of bus information, provide efficient and convenient services for passengers. This design requirement system can automatic voice broadcast station information, and can display station information. This system USES the GPS (Global Positioning System Global Positioning System) with a 89c51 SCM as the core. This system uses GPS to obtain accurate vehicle location information. The use of 89c51 single-chip microcomputer to process information. Using ISD1700 to realize voice function. Though the JHD162A to display the information of stations. So as to realize the function of all. Using protest for the simulation and verificat


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