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经典英文笑话故事带翻译大全 我对她不了解 As a courier for an express delivery service,I tried to deliver a package that required refrigeration, but found no one home. I went to the house next door and told the woman who answered that I had a package for her neighbor.Oh,she works Monday through Friday and every other Saturday,“said the woman,“said the woman, and some Sundays. She leaves about 7:40 in the morning and gets home around 5:30,unless she goes to the store, in which case its closer to seven. And shes going to the store tonight because her kids are coming to visit her all the way from California! 我是一名快件邮递员。我曾一次送一个需冷东的包裹。但主人不在家。我便敲开了邻居的门,那邻居说我说的包裹是她的邻居的。“噢,她从星期一到星期五,包括每隔一个星期六工作。”那位女邻居说.“有时她星期天也工作。她每天早上七点四十离家,下午五点半回来。如果她要去商店,差不多七点才能回来。今天晚上她要去商店的,因为她的孩于将 特地从加利福尼亚来看她。” When she paused to take a breath, I asked if she would accept her neighbors package. Oh,no, I cant do that,“she said. I dont know her that well.” 她停下喘气的工夫,我问她能否替邻居先把这包裹收下。“峨,不行,我可不能收。”她说:“我对她不怎么了解。” 关心 A customer at my tellers window was grumbling about the low interest rate on his savings account. He finally said he was just going to take all his money out of the bank,dig a hole in his back yard and bury it. 一位顾客站在我的出纳窗口前,埋怨存钱的利率太低。最后,他说他妥把所有的钱从银行里取出来,在自家后院挖个坑,把钱理了。 The teller next to rne leaned over. Sir,I couldnt help overhearing. Tell me, what is your address?. 隔壁窗口的出纳员探过身来说:“先生,我实在不怒愉听,但还是听到了,告诉我,您住在什么地才?” 过分紧张 My little girl loves animals,but one day she was bitten by a small field mouse shed found. She carried it home in her pocket and told me what happened. Worried about rabies,I called our town humane society and was told that the animal would have to be examined, and theyd send someone for it. 我的小女儿喜欢动物。但有一天,她被一只她找到的小田鼠咬了一口。她把那小动物放在口袋里带了回来,并把所发生的一切都告诉了我。由于害怕她被传染上鼠痊,我给镇上的私区医院打了电话。他们告诉我这个小动物应被检查一下,还说他们会派人去把它取走。 When the humane-society truck pulled up,a big man got out,put on a pair of gauntlets and took a capture stick and a big cage from the ba


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