中考英语- 热点作文预测(六)中国疫苗.docx

中考英语- 热点作文预测(六)中国疫苗.docx

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17 热点作文预测(六)中国疫苗 (一)谈论疫苗经历 接种疫苗(get vaccinated)是预防和控制传染病最经济、有效的公共卫生干预措施,对于家庭、社会和国家来说都是减少成员疾病发生、减少医疗费用的有效手段。接种疫苗能够有效避免一些传染病造成的死亡,保护人们的生命安全。 作为中学生你一定也接种过疫苗。请写一篇英语文章谈一谈你接种疫苗的经历。 要点: 1. 讲明你在什么时间和地点接种的疫苗; 2. 描述这一过程; 3. 谈谈你的心理活动和感受。 范文赏析 When I was in sixth grade, my school arranged for all of its students to get vaccinated for flu(流感). I remember it was bright and early that day. We lined up outside the hall to get vaccinated one by one. Our teacher told us that vaccines can help prevent the spread of the flu. But I was still very scared because of some of the students’ reactions. Some covered their eyes and opened their mouths wide. Others turned their faces away and cried. The longer I waited, the more nervous I became. Then it was my turn. After a few simple questions, the doctor began to clean my skin. My heart was in my throat. I just hoped it would be over quickly. But when I got the injection(注射), I didn’t feel much pain. After the injection, I don’t think it is scary anymore. I won’t be afraid again. (二)是否接受新冠疫苗 2020年,新型冠状病毒肺炎在全球蔓延,极大地影响了人们的生活,很多人因此健康受到了影响甚至失去了生命。目前,接种疫苗成为预防新冠肺炎最有效的方法,而中国研发的新疫苗也已经上市。某英文网站正在进行主题为“Do you want to get the COVID-19 vaccine?”的讨论,请你在此版块下跟帖回复你的观点并阐述原因。 提示词语:prevent, spread, protect, herd immunity (群体免疫), side effects (副作用)? 要求:根据提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。表格中已给出的内容不计入总词数。 Topic Do you want to get the COVID-19 vaccine? Person A Re: I can’t wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine… Person B Re: Personally, I won’t get the vaccine, at least nor for now… You Re: 范文赏析 I’m willing to get vaccinated, too. Since there is no medicine that can be used to treat this disease, a vaccine will be a better choice for stopping the virus.? The COVID-19 vaccine is hoped to effectively prevent people from being infected by the virus. Vaccines are the key to ending epidemics and achieving herd immunity. Although the vaccine might have side effects, these are rare. I have faith in the safety and effectiveness of China’s vaccines. I hope to get one my


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