设计说明书 EQ3090自卸车改装设计.pdf

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摘要 去年以来,我国专用车市场取得较好的经营业绩,全国 395 家改装车企业改装汽车 23.06 万辆,销售 23.05 万辆。自卸汽车 27125 辆,占总量的 11.76%。随着国内基础设施 建设需要不断增加,自卸车产量近年来一直保持较高产销量,在专用车综合产量中保持 第一位置,但在种类、型式、材料运用方面与国外还有一定的差距。 本文首先对自卸车的设计特点以及国内外发展现状做了相关的概述。接着,从车厢 的设计、举升机构的设计、取力器的设计等方面进行了EQ3090 自卸车的总体设计,并对 主车副车架进行了改装与设计。对整个 EQ3090 自卸车的外廓尺寸、轮距与轴距尺寸、前 悬后悬以及整车的装载质量、整备质量、总质量和轴载质量进行了相关的计算与设计。 关键字: 自卸汽车 总体布置设计 副车架 轴载质量 举升机构 1 Abstract Since last year, our country Special Purpose Vehicle industry is in the boom, with 395 car refit enterprise all around the country refitting 230.6 thousand cars, selling 230.5 thousand. auto unload vehicle the 27125 car, account for 11.76% of total deal. along with the development of local foundation facilities, in recent years auto unload vehicle yield has been keeping in higher production & sales, remains in the first place in Special Purpose Vehicle production. However, in aspects of category, pattern, material application, compared with foreign countries there is still a long way to go. In this paper, firstly, I made a general about the auto unload vehicle design and its development domestic and abroad. Then, at the point of compartment, rising organization etc, I started the design of the EQ3090 auto unload vehicle. Also, I refit and designed the vice-car stalk. To whole EQ3090 the lading quantity, reorganization quantity, measure, tread, wheelbase, forward suspension behind ,proceeded the related calculation and design. Key words: auto unload vehicle total arrangement vice-car stalk raising organization 2 1 概述 1.1 专用汽车设计特点 专用汽车与普通汽车的区别主要是改装了具有专用功能的上装部分,能完成某些特殊 的运输和作业功能。因此在设计上,除了要满足基本型汽车的性能要求外,还要满足专 用功能的要求,这就形成了其自身特点,概括如下: 1) 专用汽车设计多选用定型的基本型汽车底盘进行改装设计 这首先就需要了解国内外汽车产品,特别是货车产品的生产情况、底盘规格、供货渠 道、销售价格及相关资料等。然后根据


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