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Xinjiang Special and Famous Cuisine;;Key words: Cuisine [kw?'zin] 菜肴 minority [mai‘n?:riti] 少数民族 residents [‘rezid?nts] 居民 roast [r?ust] 烤,炙,烘 Hand pilaf [pi‘lɑf] 抓饭 saute [‘s?utei] 炒、煸 Spicy [‘spaisi] 辣的,香的 peppers [‘pep?] 青辣椒 ;Key words: 烤羊肉串:Roasted Mutton Cubes 烤全羊:roasted whole lamb 饢:Nang 烤包子:Baked buns 饊子:Sanzi 拉條子、拌面: Pulled noodles 大盤雞:Saute Spicy Chicken 特色瓜果:Watermelon 、Grapes 、Hami melon 、Walnut 、Figs 、Almond ; Xinjiang is minority [mai‘n?:riti](少数民族) inhabit [in’h?bit](居住) a place, where gathered a lot of different kinds of ethnic[‘eθnik](种族)minorities, most of the residents['rezid?nts](居民)prefer to eating meat, beef and mutton ['m?tn](羊肉) can be seen everywhere there.;烤羊肉串:mutton cubes [kju:b](将...切成小方块)roasted [r?ust](烤,炙,烘)on a skewer [skju?](串肉扦) ;Kebabs [k?‘bɑb](烤肉串) can be found in the streets and bazaars [b?’zɑ:](巴扎) throughout Xinjiang.;;烤全羊:roasted whole lamb [l?m](羊羔);;抓饭:Hand pilaf [pi‘lɑf](肉饭);;;馕:Nang is a staple ['steipl](主食) food for the xinjiang people, This kind of “Nang” may keep a long time, and so many visitors specially enjoy bringing back with this food.;;This is the most biggest “Nang”:about three point sixtyfive metres;烤包子 :Baked buns [b?n] (小圆面包);馓子:Sanzi is one of traditional snacks [sn?k](点心) of the Moslems ['m?zl?m] (穆斯林) ;拉条子、拌面: Pulled noodles;大盘鸡: Saute [‘s?utei](炒、煸 )Spicy [‘spaisi] (辣的,香的) Chicken;;;The other a variety of characteristics of food;;;;這有點像鍋貼哦!;;;;;;;;;维吾尔刀郎人红柳烤鱼;胡辣羊蹄;椒麻鸡;烤鱼;馕坑烤肉;馕坑烤羊排;Because of its long sunshine time, the fruit of Xinjiang is Sweeter than other places, So Turpan [‘tu?’pɑ:n] (吐鲁番) grapes [ɡreip](葡萄), Hami melon [‘mel?n]?(哈密瓜) is Well-known at home and abroad [?’br?:d](国外).;;哈密瓜;;吐鲁番的葡萄;;沙枣;哈密大枣賽雞蛋;;库车小银杏;塔里木香梨;;無花果;;阿克苏苹果;巴旦木;薄皮核桃;;開???果;天山烏梅;Sincerely invite you to visit Xinjiang 真诚邀请您到新疆做客 That’s all,Thank you for your attention !


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