
设计说明书 无线遥控智能爬行机器人设计.pdf

设计说明书 无线遥控智能爬行机器人设计.pdf

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摘 要 机器人是机构学、运动学、控制理论等学科发展水平的综合体现,是当前国 内外研究的热点问题之一。 “无线遥控爬行机器人”是我们设计的第一个机器 人,从仿生学的角度,昆虫的生理构造及行为是比较容易模仿的,我们的机器人 正是在模仿四足行走的动物,该机器人是一个仿生 4 足行走的机器人,通过对伺 服马达的精确控制模拟四足动物的行走步态,实现行走、急跑、转弯等各种步态 行为,并能在各种地面环境下进行步态的智能调整,自适应光滑地面、粗糙地 面、沙石地面、湿泥地面等恶劣的路面环境。 该系统通过 AT89S51、USB100 模块、NT-TR01 无线传输模块及相应的辅助电 路实现智能控制及无线遥控。 PC 端通过 USB 接口与 NT-TR01 模块连接,远程控制端单片机与 NT-TR01 模块 连接,实现数据的双向传输。 最后进行了系统联合调试,结果表明:系统的软、硬件设计合理可行,为后 续的研究工作奠定了基础。 关键词:机器人,仿生学,遥控 Abstract Robot is learning institutions, kinematics and control disciplines, such as the level of development of a comprehensive reflection of the current domestic and international hot topic of research. Wireless Remote crawling robot is the design of a robot, from the perspective of bionics, the physical structure and insect behavior is relatively easy to imitate, and we imitate it is a robot quadruped walking animals, the machine Bionic 4 is a walking robot, By precise control of the servo motor simulation quadruped walking gait of animals to achieve walking, running urgency, such as turning gait, and to the environment in a variety of ground under the gait of intelligent adjustment, adaptive smoothing the ground, rough ground, sand ground, Tani of the road surface and adverse environment. AT89S51 through the system, USB100 module, NT-TR01 wireless module and the corresponding auxiliary circuit of the intelligent control and wireless remote control. PC through the USB interface and end-NT-TR01 modules, remote control-MCU and NT-TR01 modules, the two-way transmission of data. Finally, the joint commissioning of the system, the results showed that: System hardware and software design reasonable and feasible for the follow-up research work laid the foundation. Key words: Robot, bionics, remote control 目录 1 引言 ………………………………………………



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