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初中英语作文我的假期生活 My holiday life Tonight, we had finished our dinner, want to go out for a walk, and so the whole family came to jinghu park. Beautiful jinghu park appear more gorgeous, in the darkness of the attractions lake architectural lights are reflected in the water, the lake set off more lively, several boat gently floating in the water. Fountain square, lights, lawn lamp, lamp, decorated with beautiful kiang wu. Oh, its waters are beautiful at night! My holiday life Summer vacation is coming, Im much more relaxed, ha ha, can play a enough time. But mom said help me quote the interest class, I immediately said that Im not interested, but my mother wants me to go, cant, female life difficult violations. We came to the promise of the teachers classroom, I saw again, theres a lot of Musical Instruments: the guitar, drums, violin, the erhu, gourd flute, clarinet,... Mother asked what I want to learn, I said casually, mother said to learn drums, I also did not say what, will be the default. Started a few days, I dare not speak, just what the teacher said, I just nodded slowly, I also got great daring, together with the teacher learning, together to tell jokes, a few days later, the two children also learn drums, the more I learn, the better, activity, also participated in the palace of drum issue of learning is over. While my mother and teacher said can learn some other things? The teacher said to me: youd like to learn what ah! I say: guitar. Erin: mother will help me. The first few classes I dont want to go, my mother encouraged me, said: dont give up, efforts to go. I have to go to class, also has a great interest to the guitar. My happy holiday Looking forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, finally look forward to for a long summer break. This years holiday, I had a full and happy. Read the joy of the holiday season. During the summer vacation, a good read, read more, can incre


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