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文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688] 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688] 工程工程项目风险防范措施研究 本科毕业论文 题目: 工程项目风险防范措施研究 学 院: 资源与环境工程学院 专 业: 建筑经济管理 学 号: 0 学生姓名: 何立俊 指导教师: 储昭海 日 期: 2009年12月 摘 要 工程的投标、承包是一项充满风险的事业,以往承包商不惜一切代价低价中标,高价结算的情况随着招投标工作的日趋严谨越来越不可能。而随着工程量清单计价的逐步推进和完善,在工程竞争日益激烈的今天,招投标越来越规范,中标不再是终极目标。风险是客观存在的,具有不确定性因素,如何有效防范工程项目的投标风险,保证中标并获得合理的利润,也是施工投标企业项目目前需面对的问题。 风险管理作为一门系统的管理科学于上世纪中叶被提出后到80年代才引入我国,并日益受到重视。风险分析是招投标人在招投标阶段工作的核心,为有效规避投标经营风险,建立和完善前瞻性市场研究开发机制,建立高素质投标经营队伍,形成有效的激励约束工作机制,是指导企业投标工作、提高中标率和提高投标经营质量的有效途径和方法。以下根据本人工作经验,对工程项目投标阶段可能存在的风险进行分析,并谈谈风险防范的措施。 关键词:工程项目;投标风险;防范意识 Abstract Project bidding, contracting is a risky undertaking, the previous low at all coststhe contractor won the bid, the high cost settled the case with the work of the increasingly stringent bidding increasingly unlikely. With Bill of Quantities of the step by step and improvement in engineering in an increasingly competitive today, bidding more and more standardized, the successful tenderer is no longer the ultimate goal. Risk is an objective reality, and with the uncertainties in how to effectively prevent the risk of project bidding to ensure the successful tenderer and obtain a reasonable profit, but also business projects of construction tenders now need to face. Risk management as a system of management science in the middle of the last century has been moved to the 80's before we introduce our country, and more and more attention. Risk analysis is a bidding stage in the heart of the bidding, in order to effectively tender for the operation to avoid risks, establish and perfect the forward-looking research and development of the market mechanism, establish a tender for the operation of high-quality team, to form an effective incentive and restrictive working mechanism to guide companies to bid for work to improve the rate of successful tender for the operation and improve the quality


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