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基于ULM的电厂信息管理系统建模研究 PAGE II PAGE I 基于UML的电厂信息管理系统建模研究 三号宋体,不加粗,居中小二号黑体加粗,居中,段前、段后1.5行摘 要 三号宋体,不加粗,居中 小二号黑体加粗,居中,段前、段后1.5行 电厂作为国民经济发展的基础支柱产业之一,其生产效率直接影响着人民生活质量水平的提高,而企业的生产效率一般以数字形式体现在企业的各种生产报表中,电厂信息管理系统是快速、精确形成各种生产报表、及时给领导提供决策依据的有效手段之一。 结合企业生产综合指标的统计要求,在对生产环境数据的分布、采集特点、数据统计的复杂关系等各方面进行综合分析的基础上,采用目前国际上流行的标准建模语言UML作为标准,对该系统的功能需求作了详细的分析,阐述了UML建模的基本步骤、UML与关系数据库的映射关系,建立了相应的用例图、类图、状态图、协作图、组件图、展开图等模型图,使系统的开发有一个合理的模型基础,满足系统的易维护性和扩充性。…… 300字左右(四号宋体字,限一页),1.5倍行距。首行空两字。若内容过多可适当缩小行距或字号,限定在一页范围内, 300字左右(四号宋体字,限一页),1.5倍行距。首行空两字。若内容过多可适当缩小行距或字号,限定在一页范围内,以保证美观为主。 关键词:指标;UML;关系数据库;图 四号宋体,加粗,首行空两字3-5个,中间用 四号宋体,加粗,首行空两字 3-5个,中间用“;”号分开(四号宋体,不加粗) Research of Management Information System of Power Plant Based on UML 小二号Times New Roman字,居中,加粗。标题两行间距30磅,段前、段后1.5行 小二号Times New Roman字,居中,加粗。标题两行间距30磅,段前、段后1.5行 三号Times New Roman字,居中,不加粗。 Power plant is one of the most important industries of the national economic development, and its productivity takes direct effect on the people’s living standard. The output forms of the enterprise play a great role in its productivity. The most effective means to manage the information of the enterprise is to use computer, which can help managers to finish the production report forms quickly and exactly, and can benefit to the leader for decision-making. This paper analyzes the data characteristics of the enterprise, including data distribution, data-collecting mode, and the complex data-calculating relations based on the statistical requirements. It analyzes the functional requirements of the system in detail with UML, and describes the basic steps of UML modeling and the mapping relationship between the UML and the relation database. In addition, we construct use case diagram, class diagram, state diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram and other model diagrams. It is becoming more maintainable and extensible to manage the system based on these reasonable modeling foundations…. We analyze the system modeling from the view of


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