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非谓语动词历年高考真题 1.(2016 浙江高考· )To return to the problem of water pollution ,I ’dlike you to look at a study ________ (conduct)in Australia in 2012. 2 .(2016 浙江高考· )I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope ________ (attend) many more in the coming years. 3.(2016 ·浙江高考 )When their children lived far away from them ,these old people felt ________ (cut)off from the world. 4 . (2016 ·浙 江 高 考 )I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do________(work)with students. 5 .(2016 ·江苏高考 )In art criticism ,you must assume the artist has a secret message ________ (hide)within the work. 6 .(2016 ·江苏高考 )Parents should actively urge their children________ (take) advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams. 7 .(2016 ·天津高考 )The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows , ________ (make) air conditioning unnecessary. 8 . (2016 ·天 津 高 考 )I ’mgoing to take advantage of this tour ________ (explore)the history of the castle. 9 . (2016 ·全 国 Ⅰ )In 1931 , Addams became the first American woman________(win) the Nobel Peace Prize. 10.(2016 全国Ⅰ· )No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to the children and grandchildren.Yet there is evidence________(suggest)that the trend is growing. 11 . (2016 ·四 川 高 考 )The Athletic Department is looking for students ________(help)assist staff during the Fall 2016 ,Winter 2016 -17 and Spring 2017 semesters. 12 . (2016 ·四 川 高 考 )Students ________(interest)in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective campuses. 13.(2016 ·北京高考 )________ (make)it easier to get in touch with us,you ’d better keep this card at hand. 14.(2016 ·北京高考 ) ________(order)over a week ago,the books a


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