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PAGE 2 PAGE 2 河南理工大学本科毕业设计 第一章 绪论 二级公路改建工程初步设计 姓 名:XXX 学 号:XXXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师:XXX 专业名称:土木工程〔道桥方向) 摘 要 本文以勘察设计要点和“平安、创新、精细、和谐〞的新设计理念为理论根底,完成了省道XXX线K120+800~K125+115段改建工程初步设计。本设计主要内容有:平面线形设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、路基排水设计等。平面设计的主要内容是在考虑行车视距,地形等问题的同时,进展平面线形设计。纵断面设计主要内容是纵坡及坡长设计。 该工程所在地为山岭重丘区,道路全长4315米,采用二级公路标准,设计车速为60公里/小时。设计时,结合现场实际情况,参照公路工程技术标准,对平曲线、竖曲线的选择做了严格要求,并结合地形、地质条件对道路平纵线形进展了细致的优化调整,力求减缓平均纵坡,减小填挖高度,减少土石方数量,缩短工期,节约工程造价,增强与环境的协调性,使设计符合技术标准。选线时采用平、纵、横结合的方法,考虑路基防护工程,路基排水及涵洞的设计要求,做到使公路路基稳定,排水顺畅。此外,本设计在发挥公路本身的交通作用的根底上,尽力做到与环境相结合,以人为本。整个设计均严格按照了公路工程技术标准,并采用海地道路设计软件进展设计,各项指标均满足相关要求。 关键词:二级公路;道路设计;路基设计;路基排水 ABSTRACT This article survey and design elements and "safety, innovation, fine, harmonious," the new design philosophy as the theoretical basis, completed the provincial highway XXX line K120 +800 ~ K125 +115 Rebuild Project preliminary design. The design of the main contents are: horizontal alignment design, longitudinal design, cross-sectional design, subgrade drainage design. Graphic design is the main content of sight in considering traffic, terrain and other issues at the same time, the plane alignment design. The main contents of longitudinal profile design and slope length design. The project is located in mountainous areas, the route length of 4315 meters, using two standard highway design speed of 60 km / hour. Design, combined with the actual situation, referring to highway engineering technical specifications for horizontal curve, vertical curve choices made ??stringent requirements, combined with the terrain, geological conditions on the route of horizontal and vertical alignment of a detailed optimization and adjustment, and strive to reduce the average longitudinal , reducing the height of cut and fill to reduce the number of earth, shorten the construction period, project cost savings, enhanced coordination with the environm


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