(新版)牛津译林版春五级英语下册UnitHelpingourparents(Period)教案 2.docVIP

(新版)牛津译林版春五级英语下册UnitHelpingourparents(Period)教案 2.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 Unit 5 Helping our parents Period 3 教学内容 Sound time, Song time Cartoon time 课时 第3课时 课时目标 1.熟练掌握由“is,am,are+Ving”构成的现在进行时。 2.理解与掌握ing 在单词中的发音。 3.能正确理解、朗读和表演Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。 4. 引导学生养成为家人做力所能及的事情的意识和习惯。 教学重点 1.能正确理解,朗读Cartoon time的故事。 2.熟练掌握由“is,am,are+Ving”构成的现在进行时。 教学难点 1.能正确理解,朗读cartoon time的故事。 2.能正确并熟练询问并回答原因。 教学准备 多媒体课件,板书 教学过程 Step 1. Revision Free talks Enjoy the song: Polly, put the kettle on --Who are helpful in the song? --Polly, Susie Q: Are you helpful at home? What do you often do to help your parents? (不要只局限于家务活read books/ stories for grandparents,dance for family, look after little sister, pound one’s back, chat with our grandparents...) --don’t forget to/ Do you often chat with your...? --We’re helpful. Step 2.Cartoon time Talk about Pic1. L: garden, grow 1) (接上) T: Bobby is helpful. He is helping in the garden.(PPT呈现Cartoon time第一幅图) --L: garden(car) 2) L: grow (know) Bobby grows grapes in his garden. T: Bobby is so happy. Why? Let’s listen. --What does Bobby say? --读My grapes are big and sweet. (注意表情,语音语调) (听,S1读,--L: sweet, Ss读;再请3Ss读,加入yummy, yummy) Read the story themselves and find: Is Bobby always so happy? 1) Ss read and find 2)T贴Bobby头像于黑板上,根据学生反馈板书 Read after the cartoon and check: 1) 跟读主要解决生字词,熟悉故事内容。--L: pest, ladybird, go away 2) 读完T:Is Bobby happy now? Why? --请生说出理由,T根据学生反馈,调整板书。(检查学生对故事的理解) --Pic2: angry; Pic3:happy; Pic4: puzzled/ angry/ sad (学生可以有自己的理解,不要强求。) 4.--Think and say: 区别十星瓢虫和七星瓢虫 5. Read it together in roles. 6. Q: What’s the end of the story. (--To be continued待续) (七星瓢虫来了;Sam来帮忙;打农药......) 7. Action Step 3. Sound time T: Bobby grows grapes in the garden. The lovely girl grows beautiful flowers in the garden. (PPT呈现早晨图)What is she doing? --singing ;watching the flowers,growing(接上,Yes, she’s watching the flowers growing.), What time is it?--morning, What season is it? --spring Find the sound of the lett


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