新外研版八下M6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use (3).pptx

新外研版八下M6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use (3).pptx

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2021 年 “精 英 杯” 全国公开课大赛 获奖作品展示;教育部“精英杯”公开课大赛简介;Module 6 Unit 3;Guess; ; ; ;What’s the hobby?;What’s the hobby?; ; ; ;Exercise Activity 5 Put the words and expressions in the boxes into the correct columns.;Exercise Activity 6 Listen and complete the diagram.;Now listen again and answer the question.; ;tidy up ; ; ; ;1. David Smith is a student. 2. It came out as a book in 2012. 3. David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy. 4. Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 5. I’ll show you my stamps too. 6. There was a writing class.;;1. In my spare time, I read. In my spare time, I ________. 2. My hobby is reading. My hobby ___________________. 3. My mother likes reading too. _____________________________.;4. My mother bought us a lot of books. _____________________________. 5. Reading can make you clever. _____________________________. 6. There are many interesting facts in books. _________________________________.;Do you like sailing?;Listen to the passage and answer the questions.;Read the passage and complete the notes.;Feelings The best thing was seeing (3)_______________________ swimming close to the boat. The worst part of the journey was when he ran out of (4)__________. In the future, he would like to (5)________________________.;能力拓展 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Homework


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