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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 高考完形填空一词多义(高频) 1.Where did you lay the eggs laid by the hen? (lay摆放;下蛋) 2. Julia is a pretty pretty girl. (pretty 非常;漂亮的) 3. Her major problem is that she doesn’t know which major to take up. (major主要的;专业) 4. On the tree hung a criminal who was hanged for murder. (hang悬挂;绞死) 5. The boy lying in bed often tells lies. (lie躺;撒谎) 6. He adopted my suggestion that he adopt a child. (adopt采纳;收养) 7. We’re very content with the content of the lesson. (content满意的;内容) 8. Having realized his weaknesses, he made up his mind to realize his dream.(realize意识到;实现) 9. Apart from attending a series of meetings, he has to attend to his sick wife. (attend 参加;照顾) 10. How long did the last opening ceremony last? (last 上一个的;持续) 11. Hearing that I was fined by a traffic policeman, he said “fine”. (fine 罚款;好的) 12. When filling in a form, you should form the habit of writing your name first. (form表格;形成) 13. She often practises typing with different types of methods. (type 打字;种类) 14. He had a date with Mary on the date of December 10th, 2012. (date 约会;日期) 15. At first the boy planned to give the change to the beggar, but he changed his mind later. (change改变;零钱) 16. Mr. Smith separated from his wife and now lives in a separate room.(separate 和……分离;单独的) 17. This is the place where Lucy placed her luggage. (lay 地方;放置) 18. Please underline the key points which I underlined just now. (underline 强调;划线) 19. The chief mission of the chief is to find a solution as soon as possible. (chief 主要的;首领) 20. He is considered an irresponsible leader, who not only abuses his power but abuses his parents.(abuse滥用;虐待) 21. After taking a rest, she continued to finish the rest of the work. (rest 休息;剩余的) 22. I can’t stand the man standing by the door. (stand 忍受;站立) 23. This is the park where she often parks her car. (park 公园;停车) 24. He signed his name on the sign. (sign 签名;牌子) 25. She is so mean that all her friends mean to break up with her. (mean 小气


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