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PAGE V 摘 要 本设计的目的是脱除焦炉煤气中的硫化氢,同时要使生产出来的煤气各项指标能满足要求,达到民用煤气的标准。设计为200万t/a焦炭焦化厂脱硫工段的初步设计,设计采用的煤气脱硫方法为湿法脱硫的真空碳酸钾法。设计的工艺部分包括煤气脱硫和脱硫液再生以及硫回收。脱硫采用了脱硫塔,再生部分采用再生塔,回收硫部分采用了克劳斯装置。该法采用真空解析法再生,煤气净化效果较好,硫回收率达到99.2%~99.5%,可进行余热利用,设计遵循安全环保原则。主要内容为煤气脱硫方法的选择,工艺流程的选择及说明,主要设备的计算、选型与布置,以及使生产能够正常进行所需要的非工艺部分的要求,岗位的编制与定员等,最后还对其进行了经济核算。 关键词 煤气净化 真空碳酸钾法脱硫 脱硫液再生 Abstract This design is the removal of hydrogen sulfide in coke oven gas, the gas produced at the same time to make the indicators to meet the requirements, to civilian gas standards. Designed to be 200 million t / a coking plant desulfurization of coke Section of the preliminary design, design method used in wet desulfurization of coal gas desulfurization vacuum potassium carbonate method. Part of the design process including gas desulfurization and regeneration of the desulfurization solution and sulfur recovery. Desulfurization desulfurization tower used, recycled part is regeneration tower, partly based on Claus sulfur recovery unit. In this method, analytical method of vacuum regeneration, better gas purification, sulfur recovery rate of 99.2% to 99.5%, waste heat can be used, follow the principles of safety and environmental protection. Main method of choice for gas desulfurization, process of selection and description of the calculation of major equipment, selection and arrangement, as well as the normal order of production required to process part of the non-requirements, job preparation and Ding Yuan, etc., and finally Also its economic accounting. Keywords gas purification Desulfurization of vacuum potassium carbonate regeneration of the desulfurization solution 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 煤炭的应用领域 1 1.2 设计的目的和意义 1 1.3 硫磺的应用 2 1.4 厂址所处地区自然条件 3 1.4.1 气象条件 3 第2章 工艺论证 5 2.1 国内外脱硫发展情况 5 2.1.1 国内焦炉煤气脱硫工艺的发展 5 2.1.2 国外焦炉煤气净化工艺的发展 5 2.2 脱硫方法 6 2.2.1 干法脱硫 6 2.2.2 湿法脱硫 7 2.3 焦炉煤气脱硫工艺评述 19 2.4 生产工艺流程的选择 20 第3章 工艺详述 22 3.1 真空碳酸钾


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