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励志英语作文高三 diligent, easier said than done, some students learning achievement is very poor, will think that their mind is stupid, not smart, or the teacher did not teach. In my opinion, the result is bad, not the problem of teachers and talent, the most important thing is that they usually treat learning attitude is not serious, dont study diligently. I remember a celebrity once said: genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Gorky said: genius for diligence. These words are right, great inventor Thomas Edison, for example, in order to study the ideal incandescent lamp, tested thousands of times, almost all metals are tested by him, just work hard with the spirit of incandescent lamp success, become the world admire the invention of the king. Almost all of the outstanding achievements have a history of hard work, struggle competition, rarely rely on speculative opportunely, visible, any achievements is with hard work, diligent inseparable. But some students poor school performance, also not listening in class, not to sleep is to play, to learn, not like this result how can good again? Also some students think intelligent, complacency, dont listen carefully in class, the class is addicted to online games, let us think about it, since talent and diligence are the source of success, if we could only keep talents surrender diligence? Wang anshi in an article entitled injury ZhongYong writings in classical style of such a story: a Fang Zhongyong jinxi county of jiangxi province, have been brighter, Fang Zhongyong father in order to get peoples praise and money, and every day help others acknowledged with ZhongYong to someones home, dont let him to learn, because ZhongYong have no time to reading, learning, to gradually decline, at the age of 20, Fang Zhongyong has completely become a ordinary people. The best way to work to overcome the timidity psychology is thinks he can do anything. You might think: that being said, can do


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