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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 高二英语下学期期末考试试题(含解析) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Want a wonderful travel in London? Don’t miss the following! Cartoon Museum This highly entertaining London tourist attraction covers the history and development of British cartoons from the 18th century to the present day. You can find a detailed collection of all types of cartoons in this museum including caricatures (讽刺漫画) and rare examples of cartoon art: it’s an ideal place to entertain kids of all ages as well as a serious collection for animation enthusiasts. There are over nine hundred pieces on exhibit and the museum regularly holds events where both children and adults can participate. Booking for these events is recommended due to the popularity year round of this London Museum. Telephone: 020 7580 8155 Chislehurst Caves Chislehurst in London is home to chalk caves that were mined by hand for over 8,000 years. A tour of these caves is an exciting way to see how British people have impacted on their environment over thousands of years. Telephone: 020 8467 3264 The Old Operating Theatre Museum The Old Operating Theatre Museum is one London museum offering a fascinating insight into the medical profession of the past. This 300-year old herb garret (阁楼) is Britain’s only surviving operating theatre, with a wooden operating table and an observation stand, from which visitors can witness surgery performed. Telephone: 020 7188 2679 Curzon Mayfair Cinema Museum Recently voted one of London’s best cinemas by Time Out readers, the Curzon Mayfair cinema is everything you would expect from this particular part of town: luxurious (奢华的) and tasteful. Showing mostly art-house and independent films, the Curzon Mayfair is unique in the world of London cinema for its role in screening these films for industry and press. Telephone: 033 3321 0104 1. What can we learn from the Cartoon Museum? A. It is designed onl


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