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中考三轮复习套卷训练(八) 一、填空题(共3道,每道30分) 1.任务型阅读,请将正确的序号填在横线上(每空一词) A problem is only a problem until there is a solution (解决办法). We find solutions by thinking creatively.(1)____In other words, we think outside the box. Sometimes, thinking outside the box solves not just one, but two problems. Amsterdam is one of the most crowded cities in Europe. As a result, housing is very expensive, especially for students.(2)____ However, finding this type of apartments was almost impossible until recently. While the colleges in Amsterdam were trying to solve the housing problem, thousands of shipping contains(集装箱)were lying quietly in ports(港口)around the world. These huge steel containers carry products from one country to another. The life of each container is about 10 years.(3)____ Yet they can’t recycle all of them because there are so many. Back in Amsterdam, a company came up with an amazing idea. Why not reuse these shipping containers as student apartment?(4)____They are all the same size and fit together perfectly. The steel is strong. Moreover, these containers are sowidely available that they are quite cheap to buy. For all these reasons, they can be used to build apartments quickly and cheaply. Building began in 2005,and after only a few weeks, hundreds of Amsterdam students had new homes. When students first heard about this idea,they thought the container apartments would be small, noisy, and cold.(5)____ Each container apartment has a kitchen, a bedroom with a study area, and a bathroom. The apartments are warm and quiet. They even have a high-speed Internet connection. Living in a shipping container has become popular. Today, 3,000 Amsterdam students live in the container village. 2.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 Soap is widely used in our lives around the world. Once soap was a dangerous-to-make hair (1) ____. But it is something that it would be difficult to live without today. Soap is everywhere. We use it every day and (2) __


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