【尖子生必备】Unit 3 词汇与写作导学案 2020-2021学年高一英语人教版 2019 必修第一册.doc

【尖子生必备】Unit 3 词汇与写作导学案 2020-2021学年高一英语人教版 2019 必修第一册.doc

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新教材人教版Book 1 Unit 3词汇导学案 fitness /?f?tn?s/ n.健康;适合 Sports and Fitness 运动与健康 a fitness center 健身中心 Theyre doing exercises to improve their fitness. 他们为增强体质而做体操。 I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.(2017天津) 我雇了一个健身教练,开始了量少而健康的饮食。 fit vt.?安装;适合;符合 adj.?适合的;健康的;胜任的 be fit for 胜任 There is no “one-size-fits-all” adaptation.(2017江苏) 没有所谓的“百搭”这种应用。 Embryonic learning(胎教) helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which fit the environment better.(2017江苏) 胎教帮助母鸟们鉴别出更好地适应环境的幼鸟。 Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.(2018全国I) 晨练提供了除了身体健康以外额外的好处。 Thus, these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.(2016北京卷) 这些准备充分的人们胜出因为他们是最适应的。 She and her family bicycle to work, which helps them keep fit.(2018北京卷) 她和家人们骑自行车去上班,这有助于他们保持健康。 词语辨析: fit 强调尺寸、大小或形状上的吻合。 suit 强调颜色、款式、品味等适合某人。 match 多指两个物体相互之间很匹配,显得很协调。 This?coat?fits?me?very?well.这件外套我穿起来很合身。 These?shoes?don’t?fit?me.?Have?you?got?a?larger?size?这鞋我穿不合适。你们有大点的吗? That?haircut?suits?you.那种发型很适合你。 It’s?a?small?house?but?it?suits?our?needs.这是一栋小房子,但它符合我们的需要。 The?carpets?should?match?the?curtains.地毯应该和窗帘相配。 Do?these?shoes?match?my?dress?这鞋子与我的衣服配吗? soccer /?s?k?(r)/ n.足球 a soccer game/match /team 足球比赛/队 soccer players 足球运动员 Would you like to go to the soccer game?你想去看足球赛吗? I like watching soccer games.我喜欢看足球赛。 I play soccer in my free time.我空闲时会踢足球. 补充知识: soccer是美国人对足球的叫法,在美国football通常指的是橄榄球,而英国人把足球叫做football,英国人很少使用soccer这种叫法。 stadium /?ste?di?m/ n.体育场;,运动场 a football/sports stadium 足球/运动场 To hold the Olympic Games, several stadiums have been built for competitions. 为了举办奥运会,建了好几个供比赛用的体育场。 boxing /?b?ks?? / n.拳击 a boxing match 拳击比赛 heavyweight boxing重量级拳击 Do you want to watch the boxing match? 你想看拳击比赛吗? Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.两百年前拳击比赛在英国就很盛行。 badminton /?b? dm?nt ?n/ n.羽毛球运动 破拆法:bad(不好)+min(民众)+ton(疼) 助记:腿不好的民众打羽毛球会腿疼。 How about watching badminton this afternoon? 今天下午去看羽毛球比赛怎么样? Lets go to the



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