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基于集成运放的通用二阶滤波器的设计与实现 摘 要 从换能器中输出的信号非常微弱(在微伏(μV)或毫伏(mV)量级),并呈现很小的能量。这些信号通常非常小,以至于不能执行任何有用的功能。如果信号的幅度比较大(福特量级),则信息处理就变得比较简单。放大器几乎用于每一个电子系统中,用来提高微弱信号的幅度。放大器由一个或多个的放大器件组成。放大器的复杂度依赖于放大器件的数量。为了能够分析由很多放大器组成的复杂电路,每一个放大器的端口行为模型则是必须的。 而这次的设计主要是以通用集成运算放大器为基础,通过查阅资料和动手实验设计并实现一个通用二阶滤波器,使电路能够实现低通滤波、高通滤波、带通滤波、带阻滤波等功能,在不改变电路拓扑条件下,电路还能被调节成一个正弦振荡器。文中会使用一种叫Multisim的仿真软件,使用计算机的精准性来验证分析设计电路的正确性并能给出振荡波形。 关键词:集成运放;通用滤波器;二阶;MultiSim;设计研究 Abstract The signal output from the transducer is very weak (on the order of microvolts (μV) or mV (mV)) and presents little energy. These signals are usually so small that they can not perform any useful functions. If the signal amplitude is relatively large (Ford order), the information processing becomes relatively simple. The amplifier is used in almost every electronic system to increase the magnitude of the weak signal. The amplifier consists of one or more amplifying devices. The complexity of the amplifier depends on the number of amplifiers. In order to be able to analyze the complex circuit composed of many amplifiers, each ports port behavior model is necessary. This design is based on the universal integrated operational amplifier, through access to information and hands—on design and implementation of a common second—order filter, the circuit can achieve low—pass filter, high—pass filter, band—pass filter, band filter and other functions, The circuit can be tuned to a sinusoidal oscillator without changing the circuit topology. The use of a simulation software called Multisim, the use of the accuracy of the computer to verify the correctness of the analysis of the design circuit and can give the oscillation waveform. Key words:Integrated op amp;General purpose filter;Two order;MultiSim;Design research 1 引言 放大器是在不改变输入信号波形的前提下,能使其能量增大的有源二端子电路的总称。在历史上,总以“电压”作为电子线路中的信号,叫做电压模电路。自20世纪60年代以后,以“电流”作为信号的电路迅速发展,叫做电流模电路。 集成运放最早应用于信号的运算,它可对信号完成加、减、乘、除、对数、反对数、微分、积分等基本运算,所以称为运算放大器,但是随着集成运放技术的发展,各项技术指标不断改善,价格日益低廉,而且制造出适应各种特殊要求的专用电路;目前,集成运放的应用几乎渗透到电子技术的各个领域,除


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