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招聘选择外派人员的要求 Select the requirements of recruiting expatriates 在国际人力资源管理研究范畴中 ,人才招募、招聘、训练、发展、薪酬、外派、 回任及劳资关系 ,任一环节对企业国际化之成败均具举足轻重之重要性 .外派主管 , 除了必须在文化、政治、经济、法律条件与母国截然不同的环境中独立作战外 , 还须具备较一般员工更高之抗压性及领导智能 .跨国企业外派人员的遴选 ,除传统 的遴选方式外应针对驻在国的特殊国情如语言、 政治、社会、文化及抗压性分别 加权评核。伴随全球经济的发展,跨国经营企业对外派人员的需求量日渐增加, 选择合适的外派人员已成为决定跨国经营成败的关键影响因素。 招聘招聘是人力 资源管理的基础工作, 是企业招募人才的主要途径。 为此,跨国经营企业外派人 员的招聘要从具体需求出发, 以期能为跨国经营企业外派人员的选择提供有益的 参考。 International Human Resource Management in the category, talent recruitment, recruitment, training, development, compensation, assignment, back office, and labor relations, any part of the internationalization of enterprises have a vital importance of the success or failure. Expatriate director , in addition to the cultural, political, economic, legal articles and home country completely different environment, fighting alone, be with more than ordinary members of the resistance to stress and intelligent leadership . State enterprises expatriate selection, in addition to the selection, methods of transmission should be special conditions for host countries, such as language, political, social, cultural and compression, respectively, the weighted assessment. With the development of the global economy, China Business enterprise outside the growing demand for school staff, choose the right business expatriates into the country decide the success or failure of key factors. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation for human resource management is the main way companies recruit talent. To this end, state enterprises of the recruitment of expatriates to the specific needs of start of state-run enterprise for the choice of expa


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