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XX大学本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE XX大学 设计说明书 题 目 灯罩外壳注塑模具设计                  起讫日期 2019年 12 月30 日 至2020年 05月15 日 学生姓名 XXX 专业班级 机械1612 所在院系  机械工程学院 指导教师 XXX 职称  讲师    所在单位 机械工程学院    2020年 0 5 月 15 日 PAGE II 灯罩外壳注塑模具设计 摘 要 生活中,塑料用品在不断地更新,因此塑料制品的模具的设计制造周期也大大缩短。注塑成型是用于大批量生产具有良好公差的塑料部件的常用方法。所以我们要选择更合理的加工方法,做出更合理的模具设计。我们这次选择灯罩外壳作为模具设计的素材,选用的材料是ABS,通过相关资料的查阅,运用计算方式校核的方法,用UG软件绘制出产品三维图,打开moldflow 软件以后再把stl 的格式的塑件导入。对三维真实注塑成型的流动进行分析。根据分析结构,再进行设计。在设计过程中,通过查阅专业书籍和资料,在导师的精心指导下,最终完成了灯罩外壳的注射成型分析和模具设计。本设计论文主要阐明模具的整体结构,模具的工作原理及工作过程。同时分析设计思路。再者也对每个模具零件的设计进行分析。我们通过说明书对设计过程及思路进行阐述。 关键词 灯罩外壳塑件;注塑成型;流动分析;模具设计 全套图纸加扣 3346389411或3012250582 Design of injection mold for lampshade shell Abstract The design and manufacturing cycle of plastic mould is shortened. Plastic parts with good tolerances can be mass produced by injection molding, which is a common method. So we should choose a more reasonable processing method and make a more reasonable mold design. This time, we choose the lampshade shell as the material for mold design. The material we choose is ABS, This design mainly focuses on the process analysis of the plastic parts of the lampshade shell. The middle process includes the 3D drawing with UG software according to the two-dimensional plan, and then the plastic parts are imported into Moldflow software with STL format to carry out the flow analysis of 3D solid injection molding, and the injection mold design is carried out with the analysis results of Moldflow. In the design process, through the search of professional books and materials and the careful guidance of the tutor, the injection molding analysis and mold design of the Lampshade shell plastic parts are finally completed. In addition, the design of each working part of the mold and the determination of the tolerance are also described in detail. Keywords Lampshade shell plastic; Injection molding; Flow analysis;


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