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试论我国医务人员被动加班的法律救济途径 摘要 如今,绝大多数医务人员仍在默默的承受着负荷重、压力大、几乎 占据了他们全部业余时间的工作。医务人员因为工作特性等客观原因致使他们 不能按时下班,被动加班成为常态。医务人员猝死的情形时有发生,调查的数 据也显示出被动加班对医务人员休息权益的侵犯已达到十分严重的程度。为了 维护医务人员的合法权益、规范医疗机构的运行机制、促进医患关系和谐发 展,分析医务人员被动加班的原因并从法律制度方面进行救济是解决这一问题 的重要方法。立法机关不仅要完善法律、对法律条文作出明确规定,为了保障 法律能顺利实施,还要确立法律制度,使医疗机构和社会大众更加重视医务人 员的权益,合理安排医务人员的工作时间。 关键词:医务人员 被动加班 法律救济 Absract: Nowadays, the vast majority of medical personnels are struggling to cope with the heavy workload and the stressful work which almost takes up all their spare time. Due to some objective reasons such as job characteristics, medical personnel cant get off work on time, therefore passive overtime work becomes normal. Whats worse is that medical personnels sudden death occurs from time to time, and the data of the investigation also show that the violation of right of rest of medical personnel has reached a serious degree. In order to protect the legal rights and interests of medical personnel, regulate operating mechanism of medical institutions and advance the development of harmonious doctor-patient relations, its important to analyze the reasons and search for legal remedy to solve this problem. Thus, the legislature ought to improve the law and make clear interpretation. Meanwhile, legal protection should be established to ensure the enforcement of law. Only in this way can the public pay more attention to the medical personnels rights and medical institutions arrange working hours legitimately. Key words: medical personnel passive overtime work legal remedy 目 录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅰ 目录Ⅱ 1.我国医务人员加班现状1 1.1 工时标准执行现状2 1.2 休假执行现状2 1.3 加班补偿现状3 2.我国医务人员被动加班问题的原因分析3 2.1 现实原因3 2.1.1 医疗服务行业的特殊性和医师职业的特殊性 3 2.1.2 医疗供求失衡、医疗资源结构失衡 4 2.1.3 法律法规不完善,缺乏相应的保障制度 5 2.2 意识原因6


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