牛津译林版八级英语上册Unit7 seasons integrated skillsstudy skills课件(共36张PPT.ppt

牛津译林版八级英语上册Unit7 seasons integrated skillsstudy skills课件(共36张PPT.ppt

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Integrated study skills;1.n. 暴风雪 2.n. 风 adj. 3.adv. 大约 4.n. 阳光 5.n. 其余的部分(人) 6.n. 度数;bit a bit blow blew loud ring rang ;11.雾(n) adj 12. 困倦的,瞌睡的(adj) 13光亮、光泽(n) 14. 光亮的、反光的(adj) 15.突然的(adj) adv 16.雪球(n) 17.打战(架)(n);不同季节不同地方的天气 weather in different seasons and places 2. 听收音机中的天气预报 listen to the weather report on the radio 3. 傍晚来到 arrive in the late afternoon 4. 降到零度以下,达到零下10度 drop below zero, to -10℃ 5. 今天主要会干旱,阳光充足。 It will be mainly dry and sunny today. 6. 但晚上会变得比较多云 But it will turn more cloudy in the evening. 7.白天在9度左右,晚上为4度左右 be around 9℃ during the day and 4℃ at night. ;8. 今天又将是美妙、炎热的一天,气温达到30多度 It will be a beautiful, hot day again today, with temperatures in the thirties 9. 这周剩下来的几天 10这周剩下来的几天,阳光与蓝天将陪伴着我们。 Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for the rest of the week 11.来自北方的暴风雪傍晚就要来了。 Snowstorms from the north will arrive in the late afternoon. 12.风会更大。 13. 今天将会有一些阵雨。 There will be a few showers today. ;14. 天气将会温暖,白天气温在18度或19度附近 It will be warm, with daytime temperatures around 18 or 19 degrees. 15.不同的地方天气差别是如此之大。 The weather can be so different in different places. 16.明天北京将会有暴风雪。 There will be a snowstorm in Beijing tomorrow. 17.最低/最高气温 the lowest/ the highest temperature 18.保持在零度以上 19. 在9度到5度之间 20.在零度以下,为零下一度 21. 每年的这段时间 ;22. 每年的这段时间,北京总是多雪并且寒冷的。 It is always so snowy and cold in Beijing during this time of year. 23.明天悉尼将会有阵雨。 There will be showers in Sydney. 24.南京天气如何? How’s the weather in Nanjing? =What’s the weather like in Nanjing? 25.这里稍微有点冷,有点干燥,但没有暴风雪。 It’s a bit cold and dry, but there are no snowstorms here. 26. 我是简阿姨。 27. 你怎么样啊? 我很好,但天气真的很冷。 How are you doing? I’m fine.,but it’s really cold. ;28.抱歉,我听不见你说话。 Sorry, I can’t hear you. 29风刮得太猛了。 The wind is blowing hard. 30. 你能再大声一点吗? Can you speak louder , please? 31.我会再打给你的。照顾好自己 I’ll ring you later. Take care. 32.街上的许多人不得不用围巾蒙住了脸。 Many peo


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