牛津译林版八级英语上Unit3 reading 1课件(共42张PPT).ppt

牛津译林版八级英语上Unit3 reading 1课件(共42张PPT).ppt

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Unit 3 A day out Reading (1);; 9 最后(adv.) finally 10 到达 arrive 到达 arrive at/in… 11 迫不及待 can’t wait ( to do sth.) 12 下车 反义词: 上车 get off get on 13 令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣 interest 14 景点 places of interest 15 不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶 not believe one’s eyes ; page 21 主页 home page 22 你们自己 yourselves 23 他们自己 24 独立地,独自;1 我在这很好 I’m doing fine here . 2邀请我参加他们的学校旅行 invite me to join their school trip 3 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 4 做某事玩的愉快 enjoy oneself doing sth. = have a great time doing sth. = have fun doing sth. 5 晴朗温暖的一天 a fine warm day 6 在晴朗的蓝天下闪耀 shine in a clear blue sky 7 很多车辆,交通拥挤 a lot of traffic ;8 有点乏味 a little boring 9 到达 arrive at/in…=get to… =reach… 10 迫不及待做某事 can’t wait to do sth. 12 上公交车/下公交车 get on the bus/get off the bus 13 整个世界 the whole world 14 在……前面(范围之外) in front of 15 在……前面(范围之内) in the front of 16一百多个景点的模型;17来自全世界 from all over the world 18 变的很兴奋 become very excited 19 由钢铁制成 be made of steel 20看起来就像我们家乡的那座一样雄伟 look as great as the one back home 21 不能相信我的眼睛 can’t/couldn’t believe my eyes 22 令人惊讶的一天 an amazing day 23 看到世界上的主要名胜 see main sights of the world 24 在仅仅一天之内 in just one day;25 歌舞表演 the song and dance shows 26 了解许多不同的文化 learn a lot about different cultures 27看到旅行的照片 see some photos of the trip 28 在网上 on the Internet 29把他们放在他的主页上 put them on his home page 30 你们自己去看看 go and see for yourselves 31 拍照 take photos;France;the River Seine;the White House;the Opera House the Harbour Bridge ;The Golden Gate Bridge;;Around the world in a day ;Read and answer these questions;1. join 2. journey 3. boring 4. finally 5. arrive at 6. whole 7. main 8. sights;;What did Linda see in the World Park?;1. How can Linda’s mother know more about the trip? She can see some photos of the trip on the Internet. 2. Who put the photos on the Internet? Daniel. ;2;(


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