牛津译林版八级下Unit7 Welcome to the unit comic课件(共31张PPT.ppt

牛津译林版八级下Unit7 Welcome to the unit comic课件(共31张PPT.ppt

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8B Unit 7 International charities;Project Hope;Project Green Hope;Project Green Hope;Save China’s Tigers;Spring Bud Project;China Education Development Foundation”,缩写为“CEDF” ;China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation ;Charities around the world;世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund For Nature)是在全球享有盛誉的、 最大的独立性非政府环境保护组织之一 ;;联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund;简称UNICEF),1946年12月11日 在联合国大会上成立。联合国儿童基金会的 总部设在美国纽约,对发展中国家的母亲 和孩子进行长期的人道主义和发展援助 ; UNICEF It works to provide children with food, house, medicine and education.;It can help poor families and children.; ORBIS It works to help people who are unable to see. ;;ORBIS Oxfam UNICEF World Vision World Wide Fund for Nature;Charities around the world;ORBIS;B Mr. Wu is asking the students about international charities. Work in groups and say what you know about charities. Use the conversation below as o model. ;Mr Wu: Do you know about any international charities, class? Daniel: Yes. I know about a charity called UNICEF. Mr Wu: How does UNICEF help people? Daniel: It helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world. Millie: It provides basic education for children in poor areas.;Sandy: It works for the equal rights of girls and women too. Simon: It also works to prevent the spread of some serious diseases, like AIDS, among young people. Mr Wu: Perfect! Youve done a good job.;Discussion: How can we raise money? ;Watch and act;Listening ;1. What is Hobo going to do? 2. What dose Eddie ask to do before they go to the charity? ;Act out the dialogue in pairs.;1.You have some pocket money left.;2. I’m too weak to walk any further.;How charities help people The Class 1, Grade 8 students want to learn about international charities. They want to find out how these charities help people around the world.;Homework ;9、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被


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