牛津译林版八级英语上Unit4 reading 1课件(共32张PPT).ppt

牛津译林版八级英语上Unit4 reading 1课件(共32张PPT).ppt

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Unit 4;To learn the new words and expressions in the article To grasp the main idea of the article To learn to describe Andrew’s working;crazy be crazy about terrible once put in mistake make a mistake;power cut pipe fill fill … with … not only … but (also)… ceiling;shelf whoops advise course already instead attend;1 对(做)某事着迷 be crazy about (doing )sth. 2 装饰他的房子 decorate his house 3 看起来糟糕 look terrible 4 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 5 安装一盏更亮的灯 put in a brighter light 6 犯错 make a mistake/make mistakes 7 他的整个房子 his whole house 8 停电 have a power cut;9 另一次 another time 10 在他卧室的墙上挂一幅画 put up a picture on his bedroom wall 11 损坏水管 hit a pipe 12 房间充满水 fill the room with water 13 把它刷成蓝色 paint it blue 14 继续粉刷 keep on painting 15一个蓝色的天花板和地板 a blue ceiling and floor 16 想要在我的床上方放一个书架 want a shelf above my bed ;17 没问题 no problem 18 在墙上钉一个书架 put up a shelf on the wall 19 高的多 much higher 20 给他买一些关于DIY的书 buy some books about DIY for him 21 建议他上一个“自己动手”的课程 advise him to take a course in DIY 22 建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth. 23 使他生气 make him angry 24 了解关于它的一切 know everything about it ;25 去上课 attend lessons 26 关于“自己动手”了解更多 know much more about DIY 27 做某事失败 fail to do sth. ; Do you like DIY? 2. Have you ever tried DIY? What is it? 3. Do you want to take a course in DIY?;蛋壳盆栽;牛仔裤变短裤 ;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;be crazy about repair terrible fill advise attend;Suzy’s cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY, but he is not very good at it. Listen to Suzy’s article and match the jobs he did with the problems he caused.;1 Putting in a brighter light 2 Putting up a picture 3 Painting the living room 4 Putting up a shelf;Read the article in groups , then do the True or False questions;Millie’s notes;Further reading;Read para. 2- 4,answer the questions;Read para. 5,answer the questions;crazy;Benefits of DIY An opportunity (机会) to use your hands and your brain. The satisfaction (满足) from seeing your project move from concept to reality. Having so


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