牛津译林版八级英语上Unit2 reading 1课件(共19张PPT).pptVIP

牛津译林版八级英语上Unit2 reading 1课件(共19张PPT).ppt

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Reading1;; ;1.英国学校的生活/美国学校的生活 life in a British school/life in an American school 2.在八年级 in Year 8 /in the 8th grade 3.一所混合学校 a mixed school 4.一起上课 have lessons together 5.在我所有的科目中 among all my subjects 6.最喜欢法语 like French best 7.一个阅读周 a Reading Week 8 在这周期间 during the week ; 9 向学校图书馆借更多的书 borrow more books from the school library 10 向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb 11 把家里的书和杂志带进来。 bring in books and magazines from home. 12.在一周快要结束???时候 near the end of the week 13 与某人讨论某事 discuss sth. with sb. 14 在课堂上 in class 15 似乎做某事 seem to do sth. 16去同伴俱乐部 go to the Buddy Club ;17.年长的学生们 older students 18.帮助新生更了解学校 help new students learn more about the school 19仔细聆听我的问题 listen carefully to my problems 20 给我提供帮助 offer me help 21 给某人提供某物 offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb. 22 上不同的课 have different classes 23 结束比往常早 end earlier than usual 24 一起做运动 do sports together ;25 一个礼拜两次 twice a week 26 打棒球 play baseball 27 放学后 after school 28 每次努力练习 practice hard every time 29 赢两场比赛 win two games 30 Nancy最喜欢的科目 Nancy’s favourite subject 31 读一个美国男孩的文章 read an article by a boy from the USA 32 别的什么 what else;;在英国,中等教育通常在11-16岁,并按照year划分(Years7-12).Year 8相当于中国的8年级.学生16岁时要参加普通教育证书(GCSE)的考试.通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的中等教育,之后要参加A级考试. 美国的中等教育通常分为初中(6th-8th grades)和高中(9th-12th grades).9th grade 相当于中国的九年级.;Task 1 Listening 1 Listen to the first part (life in a British school), answer the following question Who wrote the first article? (2) What activity does the school have every year?;Task 2 detailed reading 1 read the first part , do the ‘T’ or “F ” questions Nancy is in Year 9 at Woodland School , a mixed school. (2) Nancy likes French best among all her subjects. (3) During the Reading Week , the students can borrow books from the school library, but they cannot bring in books from home. (4) The students think time seems to go faster because they like reading books;Read the second part care


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