生命中的白玫瑰 挽救生命的白玫瑰.docx

生命中的白玫瑰 挽救生命的白玫瑰.docx

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PAGE PAGE 1 生命中的白玫瑰 挽救生命的白玫瑰      [美] 贾瓦?奎因   李起 编译      I walked down the hall towards my classroom. John had sent me a dozen white roses to mark my first- year teaching. I remember thinking that life is fantastic. I have a noble job. I have wonderful friends. I have a beautiful child. And I have remarkable students. I walked down the hall and heard several comments on how beautiful the pure white roses were. I tilted my head in and inhaled slightly. The beautiful fragrance tickled my nose and I smiled again. He is so thoughtful.   I was lost in thought when I felt a bump. I struggled to steady the large vase. I looked back and noticed Amber. She is an average looking young girl who will be a beautiful woman. When she smiles I see all of the goodness that she has to offer. She is always the first to help a student when they are struggling and the last to leave, because she is helping the teacher clean up. She is in the Choir as well as being on the Girls Volleyball team. I think how proud her parents must be.   “Amber. Honey, you need to be careful to watch where you are going. I almost dropped everything.” I said. She turned around and looked at me. I stared back. Something is different, I thought . Her hair is not as neat as it usually is. She is not wearing any lip gloss. Her shirt is wrinkled. And if I am not mistaken, it looks like she has been crying. I looked again at her eyes and wait for her to respond. “Sorry, Ms. K.” She turns to walk away.   “Amber.” I said again.   She turns towards me but avoids eye contact. “Yes, Ms. K.”   “What is going on?” I asked. I know that something is wrong. Amber never looks away to avoid a conversation. She will just tell you she is too busy and make plans to talk later. Her noncommittal response concerned me “Look at me, Amber... I know you. You know me. Do you really think I will let this drop.” She looks up and a single tear runs down her cheek. She stands there staring into my eyes. The look is so haunt


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毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


