
拉法基HSE培训资料 - 急救培训 - Lafarge Project First Aid Training.ppt

拉法基HSE培训资料 - 急救培训 - Lafarge Project First Aid Training.ppt

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International SOS LAFARGE PROJECT 拉法基项目 First Aid training 急救培训 急救First-aid 定义definition: 急救是对于遭受意外伤害或突发疾病的伤患,在紧急医疗救护人员未达现场或送至医院治疗前,给予立即的救护 First aid is to be given immediate rescue for those injury which caused by suddenness incident or bursting out sick before first aid arrive on site or deliver to hospital. 急救目的purpose of First-aid 保全生命save life 防止病情恶化prevent sick worse 促进康复promote recovery 启动急救应急措施 start-up emergency action 出 血bleeding 骨 折fracture 脊柱损伤 spine damnification 中 暑heat stroke 心肺复苏 CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) 培训结束后您将能做到You can learn after getting training : 紧急应急措施emergency action 优先原则priority principle: 第1步:危险 survey the scene 第2步:反应 response 第3步:呼救call for help 第4步:气道airway 第5步:呼吸breathing 第6步:循环circulation 第一步:危险dangerous 第二步:反应reaction 第三步:呼救call for help 打紧急电话应说明的事项 the tips of emergency call 1. 地-清楚地址clear location 2. 物-明显标志obvious sign 3. 人-伤患状况injury status # 勿先挂断電話 # pls hold on 处理前要带上手套 wear gloves before treatment 第四步fourth step:气道airway 打开气道查看有无异物,如有应先清除open airway to check obstruction ,remove it from airway 打开呼吸道open airway 第五步fifth step:呼吸breathing 耳朵靠近伤者口鼻take your ear near the mouth and nose 看-胸部起伏look-heave the chest 听-吐气声listen-exhale 感觉-气吹到脸上feel-air blow on face # 检查时间10秒 # check 10 seconds 第六步sixth steps:循环circulation 观察生命迹象survey life evidence 咳嗽cough、吞咽swallow、 呼吸breathing、活动activity 第二步检查second steps examination 经过前面检查,暂时没有生命危险的情况下: temporarily no life dangerous via to above body check 第二步检查second steps body check 是系统性的检查,用于发现需要医疗救 助的其他伤。It is full body check for the purpose to find other injury in body. 复苏体位resuscitations pose 复查步骤 recheck steps: 出 血bleeding 出血bleeding 分类classify: 动脉出血artery bleeding - 在较大压力下喷射性出血spraying bleeding under big pressure 静脉出血vein bleeding - 从伤口处流出come out from the wound 毛细血管capillary - 从伤口处滲出effuse from the wound 常用止血方法: 直接加压包扎法 direct pressure 检查末梢循环 Check circulation of twig 开放性骨折open fracture 复合性骨折complex fracture 骨折的症状/体征symptom of fracture: 疼痛pain 患肢短


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