六年级上册英语Unit5 Cartoontime.ppt

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2021/7/25 Unit5 Signs Culture time & Cartoon time 6A 译林英语 plum blossom 梅花 city flower of Nanjing the first letter of “_______” (一种交通工具的首字母) metro m the metro sign of Nanjing /sa?n/ 标志 There are many other metro signs in the world. 世界上还有许多其他的地铁标志。 Know more metro signs the metro sign of Suzhou the metro sign of Shanghai the metro sign of Shenzhen the metro sign of Beijing the metro sign of _________ the UK In different areas, there are different metro signs. 在不同的地区,地铁有不同的标志。 In different areas, there are different metro names too. 在不同的地区,地铁也有不同的叫法。 UK Culture time In the UK, people call the metro “____________”. underground under ground play 英国地铁历史悠久,英国 是世界上第一个建造地铁 的国家,英国国内的地铁 网络相当庞大! Culture time What does it mean? 它的意思是什么? It means we can _________________ nearby(附近). take the underground Culture time US In the US, people call the metro “____________”. subway /’s?bwe?/ What does it mean? 它的意思是什么? It means we can _________________ nearby(附近). take the subway Culture time What about other areas? 其他地区是怎样命名地铁的? Culture time In Singapore(新加坡), people call the metro MRT. In Hongkong(香港),they call it MTR. People call the metro underground or tube(管子) in London, the UK. metro underground subway tube MTR MRT names signs Metro is a very important city traffic tool. 地铁是一种很重要的城市交通工具。 9、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。*** 10、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。**** 11、人总是珍惜为得到。***** 12、人乱于心,不宽余请。**** 13、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。***** 14、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。**** 15、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。。***** 16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。*** 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。**** Every day, many people take the metro to different places in the city. 每天,很多人都会搭乘地铁去往城市的不同地方。 Maybe they take the metro to… 猜一猜:Bobby和Sam乘地铁去哪里? in the forest. They are ______________ on an outing 郊游 Do you like going on an outing? What do you usually bring for the outing? I bring… What about Bobby? He brought some __________. bananas It’s _______________. Bobby feels ________________. time for lunch tired and hungry 香蕉富含糖分,可以快速补充人体所缺失的能量! After eating the bananas, what do the



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