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外研版五年级上册英语;外研版·英语·五年级上册;第一课时;Did you have a good summer holiday? Where did you go? What did you do?;Guess: Where did I go and what did I do on summer holiday?;I went to London.;I met a friend.;We visited the London Eye and Big Ben.;We saw many old buildings.;Listen and chant.;;Lingling went to London Town. She met John, a little boy. They visited the London Eye, and saw the city from above the ground.;;Is Lingling a Chinese? Where is she now? When did she go?;Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. They met John one day. Let’s see what happened.;;;Did Amy come back yesterday?;指一指;开火车;Did you come back yesterday?;I dropped my ice cream!;go to school;meet my friend;visit the Great Wall;visit my grandparents;see many flowers;;come;Describe what you did last Sunday.;Describe what you did last Sunday.; 每人把自己昨天做的事情画或写到一张纸上,然后请小组其他同学用Did you…?来猜。被猜的同学用Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.回答。猜中的同学和你心有灵犀,是你最好的朋友。;What happened with Lingling? Lingling dropped her ice cream.;;;;;Lingling: Amy, look at those ice creams! Let’s buy some. John: This is your ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Thank you!; Sam: We’re going home now, John. Come with us. Amy: There’s our bus! Finish your ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Wait for me! John: Hurry up, Lingling. Run! Lingling: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream! John: Oh no! My new shoes!;;;Make a survey.;What have you learnt?;1.将Listen and chant.唱给自己的家人听。 2.听Listen, read and act out.部分录音,模仿表演。 3.用所学句型Did you…?向同伴询问昨天是否做过什么事情。;Came, came, I came to school by bus. Had, had, I had noodles yesterday. Dropped, dropped, I dropped my ice cream. Visited, visited, I visited the Great Wall! ;come to school by bus;A: Did you do your homework? B: No, I didn’t. I washed my father’s car.;John: Did you come back yesterday? Amy: No, we came back last Sunday.;Did you walk to school yesterday?;The London Eye The London Eye goes round and round, round and round, round and round. The London Eye goe


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