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Translation Exercise II: Chinese to English;Exercise 1: 生命始於礦石;生命始於礦石 生命 - life 始於 - originate, arise, begin, emanate, rise, create, discover, form, invent, produce 礦石 - mineral, rock Life originated from minerals. Life is originated from minerals. Life is produced from minerals. Life started from minerals. (note: no articles);;; 最近有些實驗結果顯示,礦物,這種岩石的基本成分,在形成生命的奇妙過程中,可能扮演舉足輕重的角色。 Recently, some experimental results show that minerals, which are the fundamental constituents of rocks, might have played an important role in the processes of creating (or forming) life (or in the life-forming processes). ; ; ; 在原始地球的惡劣環境中,強烈的紫外線往往會快速分解剛聚合的分子,因此,要將小分子連結成這些複雜,伸展的結構,也就特別困難。 In the dreadful environment of the primitive earth, intense ultraviolet radiation would quickly decompose just synthesized molecules. Consequently, it was extremely difficult to combine (associate, link) small molecules to form these complex and extensive (molecular) structures.; ;Exercise 2: 礦物晶體的力量;礦物晶體的力量 礦物 mineral 晶體 crystal The power of (mineral) crystals;表面看來,沒有任何物質比岩石更沒有生命跡象的了。那麼,岩石及它的礦物成分怎麼會促成生命萌芽?答案在於「化學」。 表面看來 (Viewing from the surface), Apparently 生命跡象 sign of life, trace of life 萌芽 sprout, germinate, spring up, begin to grow Apparently, no material (substance) shows less sign of life than rocks. But then, why rocks and their mineral constituents could have triggered the germination (or formation) of life? (or simply, could have germinated life?). The answer is “chemistry”.;礦物從簡單分子長成有序結構,就是透過化學反應。同樣的,所有生物,細菌也好蝙蝠也罷,之所以能生長、生活、生殖,也是因為每個細胞內發生的幾百種化學反應。 簡單分子 simple molecule 有序結構 ordered or orderly structure 化學反應 chemical reaction 同樣的 similarly, likewise The growth of simple molecules to ordered mineral (crystalline) structures was effected through chemical reactions. Similarly, the way that all organisms (life forms), regardless of bacteria or bat, can grow, live and reproduce is also due to several hundreds of (numerous) chemical reactions taking place in each (molecular) cell (in al


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