
电子科技大学大三电子信息专业通信原理英文考试卷及答案 (4).docVIP

电子科技大学大三电子信息专业通信原理英文考试卷及答案 (4).doc

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学院_______________________ 系别____________ 班次_____________ 学号__________ 姓名________________ ………….……密…..……….封……..……线………..…以………..…内………....答…………...题…………..无…….….效…..……………….. 电子科技大学 二0x 至二0x 学年 第 学期 通信原理 课程考试题(A卷) (120分钟) 考试日期 20xx年 1 月 14 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 评卷教师 1. (16 Points) Blank Filling: The PSD of a baseband signal s(t) is shown in the following figure, the absolute bandwidth,3dB bandwidth and first zero-crossing bandwidth is____________, _______________ and ________________ respectively The three basic operations of the generation for PCM signal are______________, ____________________, ____________________. All communication systems involve three main subsystems: transmitter,________________ and ________________. If the analog signal is , the minimum sampling rate is ________________. If the data rate is 50kbps, the first null bandwidth for the unipolar NRZ signal, the polar NRZ signal and the Manchester NRZ signal are______________, ______________, ______________ separately. For no ISI, and the symbol rate of communication system is 50 kbaud , the 6 dB bandwidth of the raised cosine-rolloff filter, f0, should designed to be _________ . If the modulated signal , its complex envelope is ____________. Assume that the input signals is . When the input noise is white, the impulse response of the matched filter h(t)=_________________________________and the optimum sampling time ___________________________. 5MHz, 3.5MHz, 4MHz Sampling, quantizing, encoding Channel receiver 8kHz 50kHz, 50kHz, 100kHz 25kHz t0=T IMPORTANT NOTICE: Among the following 7 questions, you are required to answer any 6 of them. Make sure you CROSS the one you will NOT select. (重要提醒:下面7题中只需选择6题,并记住在你不做的题号上划叉) (9 Points) The transmission system is shown as following. The bandwidth of the baseband analog signal m(t) is 15kHz. Assume that the peak SNR of receiver output is 50 dB. Find the minimum sampling rate fs; the minimum number of bits in the PCM w



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