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第07讲:高考核心词汇+非谓语考点梳理+题型综合练 经济的 adj. economic 生态系统 n. ecosystem 编者;编辑 n. editor 有效的;生效的 adj. effective 电器专家,电工 n. electrician (举止)优美的 adj. elegant 初级的,基本的 adj. elementary 电梯 n. elevator 消除;淘汰 vt. eliminate 紧急情况;急诊 n. emergency 帝国 n. empire 意外遇见 vt. & n. encounter 持久力,忍耐力 n. endurance 信封;封套 n. envelop 热情,热心 n. enthusiasm 一种经济型车 a kind of economical cars 教育某人做某事 educate sb to do sth 接受高等教育 receive higher education 对某事有影响 have effect on sth 努力做某事 make an effort to do 急诊病房 emergency ward 强调 lay/place/put emphasis on 使某人能够做某事 enable sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 以住院告终 end up in hospital 参与,从事环境保护工作 be engaged in/ work on environmental protection 口头和书面英语 spoken and written English 进入大学 enter university 把……的权利或资格给某人 entitle sb to sth/ to do sth 在经验上与我旗鼓相当 be equal to me in experience/ equal me in experience 相等的,等量的 adj. equivalent 擦除器(橡皮等)n. eraser 自动扶梯 n. escalator 永久的,持久的 adj. everlasting 估价,评价 v. evaluate 演化;进化 n. evolution 不包括 v. exclude 短途旅行,远足 n. excursion 执行者,行政官 n. executive 存在 n. existence 解释,说明 n. explanation 花费,费用 n. expense 炸药 n. explosive 灭火器 n. extinguisher 眉,眉毛 n. eyebrow 用知识武装自己 equip ourselves with knowledge 惊险地逃脱杀害 narrowly escaped being killed 确立自己……的地位 establish oneself as 每隔一天 every other day 到处可见 be everywhere to be seen 期中考试不及格 fail in/ fail to pass the mid-term examination 举……为例 take…as an example 毫无例外 without exception 原谅你的玩忽职守 excuse you for neglecting your duty/ excuse your neglecting your duty 参加体育锻炼 do/take physical exercise 对某人期望某物 expect sth of sb 向某人解释某事 explain to sb sth/ explain sth to sb 让皮肤暴露于阳光下 expose one’s skin to the sun 对……熟视无睹 turn a blind eye to 面对困难 face difficulties/ be faced with difficulties/ in face of difficulties [高考考情分析] 题型分类 典题试做 命题解读 语法填空 1.Fast food is full of fat and salt; by eating(eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. 2.But unlike her school friends,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term resting(rest). 3.Skil



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